Supply of G5's in Australia subject to regulatory approval.

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I just noticed on Apple Australia's Web store the following message on the Power Mac G5 Page:

The supply of this product is subject to regulatory approval.

This is a good thing i think, because it shows that the G5 is a powerful machine, and I don't think any of the Intel range machines out there have ben supkected to this approval process before, correct me if I'm wrong.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I'm hearing echos of Apple's bragging right when the G4 came out..."The Powermac G4 is so fast its exportability is limited by government law"
  • Reply 2 of 9
    michaelbmichaelb Posts: 242member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    I'm hearing echos of Apple's bragging right when the G4 came out..."The Powermac G4 is so fast its exportability is limited by government law"

    As much as I'd like to say Australia is worried about the potential devastating effect of a powerful G5 being unleashed on its shores, it's got far more to do with the mindless bureaucracy which dominates every level of the incompetent government here.

    Put it this way: The Newton was held up by regulatory approval, and early units were even recalled. Why...? What diabolical capability did this weapon contain?

    It was... <dramatic chord> ...capable of making phone tones.

    Oh the humanity, we're under attack! Send out the fridge magnets.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    thebimbothebimbo Posts: 29member
    Yep I can faintly remember this. The Newton could produce dial tones and the Ozzy version had to have these removed - something about worries that they would screw up the phone system or something dumbass - or at least disabled if country was set to Australia.

    >> The Newton was held up by regulatory approval, and early units were even recalled. Why...?
  • Reply 4 of 9
    thebimbothebimbo Posts: 29member
    Oops didn't read the whole previous post which already mentioned the dial tone stuff - didn't scroll enough on the puny screen of my toilet seat iBook ;-)
  • Reply 5 of 9
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member
    Everything is subject to regulatory approval in every country. Notice the FCC logo on the bottom of all your equipment.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    michaelbmichaelb Posts: 242member

    Originally posted by thebimbo

    Yep I can faintly remember this. The Newton could produce dial tones and the Ozzy version had to have these removed - something about worries that they would screw up the phone system or something dumbass - or at least disabled if country was set to Australia.

    Yes, spot on! So of course the first thing we did was reset the firmware to un-hobble it.

    Ah, the Newton...

    I think these lost Apple Australia almost as much as Buzzle. No that was a mistake, nothing could cost them as much as Buzzle did. No wonder prices are so inflated even with a much improved Aussie dollar: Apple Oz is probably still recouping the $15 million they lost.

    Anyway, I suppose the Cheesegrater will be probably held up because it needs a food preparation licence or something.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    celcocelco Posts: 211member
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by dhunter

    [B]I just noticed on Apple Australia's Web store the following message on the Power Mac G5 Page:

    The supply of this product is subject to regulatory approval.

    Ok... not disagreeing that the powers that be have very strange ideas..but doesn't the us govt does approve all technology before its released ie FCC so wouldnt it make sense that we would too...
  • Reply 8 of 9
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by michaelb

    Oh the humanity, we're under attack! Send out the fridge magnets.

    Only us Australians will find that hilarious!
  • Reply 9 of 9
    mac+mac+ Posts: 580member

    Originally posted by michaelb

    Oh the humanity, we're under attack! Send out the fridge magnets.

    Nice call!
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