French anonymous rumors !

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
APPLE warned all the retailers that there would be a reference being able booter on mac bone 9: Here an extract of the last APPLE communication to the retailers:

- Power Mac G4 1,25 GHz: starting under Mac OS 9 as from January the 2003 professional customers of APPLE adopt Mac OS X quickly, they are more than 80% to choose Mac OS X like system by defect. Last September, APPLE announced that as from January 2003 all new Mac will start only in Mac OS X, while remaining able to make function the majority of the applications Mac OS 9 in the environment "Classic" of Mac OS X.

However, to facilitate the transition from a minority of customers always using applications Mac OS 9, such as Quark Xpress, APPLE will continue to offer (until the 30 juin2003) Power Mac biprocessor to 1,25 GHz which can start under Mac OS 9.... I thus do not know from where APPLE leaves 80 %...

It appears to to me, as, astonishing as it is largest config G4 which remains into 9. But it east can be to sell the most expensive machine, or because it will become the machine of entry of range ???

Concerning the machines with the catalogue, there is superdrive out-of-stock condition of the powerbook G4 1 ghz and the imac G4 700 MHz

Commercial APPLE ensured me that there would be announced innovations on January 7 but not of new G4 Pro. The update of these machines having to intervene rather about March. It as indicated to me as it was necessary to make have patience the customers of Powerbook 1 ghz superdrive until January 7!!

January 7 APPLE France invited very many people, in Paris, to follow the retransmission of Keynote, on line by satellite. I do not think that there will not be that some small advertisements (emac/imac G4 to 800 instead of 700 MHz...)APPLE warned all the retailers that there would be a reference being able booter on mac bone 9: Here an extract of the last APPLE communication to the retailers:

- Power Mac G4 1,25 GHz: starting under Mac OS 9 as from January the 2003 professional customers of APPLE adopt Mac OS X quickly, they are more than 80% to choose Mac OS X like system by defect. Last September, APPLE announced that as from January 2003 all new Mac will start only in Mac OS X, while remaining able to make function the majority of the applications Mac OS 9 in the environment "Classic" of Mac OS X.

However, to facilitate the transition from a minority of customers always using applications Mac OS 9, such as Quark Xpress, APPLE will continue to offer (until the 30 juin2003) Power Mac biprocessor to 1,25 GHz which can start under Mac OS 9.... I thus do not know from where APPLE leaves 80 %...

It appears to to me, as, astonishing as it is largest config G4 which remains into 9. But it east can be to sell the most expensive machine, or because it will become the machine of entry of range ???

Concerning the machines with the catalogue, there is superdrive out-of-stock condition of the powerbook G4 1 ghz and the imac G4 700 MHz

Commercial APPLE ensured me that there would be announced innovations on January 7 but not of new G4 Pro. The update of these machines having to intervene rather about March. It as indicated to me as it was necessary to make have patience the customers of Powerbook 1 ghz superdrive until January 7!!

January 7 APPLE France invited very many people, in Paris, to follow the retransmission of Keynote, on line by satellite. I do not think that there will not be that some small advertisements (emac/imac G4 to 800 instead of 700 MHz...)


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Was that tranlated by YodaSpeak 2000©?

    This seems very beleivable to me and has two potential trains of thought.

    1 - Offer the high end 1,25 Ghz dual as a Mac OS 9 bootable version and make users pay for not using OS X because the 1.25Ghz is the high end profit machine.


    2 - Make OS 9 users weary of purchasing the 1.25 Ghz machine because the dual 1.4 and dual 1.6 Ghz are for the real Power users. (This is what I'm hoping for)

    The second version seems most reasonable as everyone is expecting a mobo or ROM revision in March that allows for better DDR bandwidth and the fat process 970a. (Slim process 970b available last quarter-seconf half of 03 per IBM.)

    Seems like a good way to appease the Quark hanger-oners (me included but I use Classic).

    The only real information in here is the alluding to the minor update to the eMac and imac, but the WOW statement is the allusion to the updateed PowerBook.

    This is good as I am in the market for a PowerBook. (maybe a 2x or 4x slot loader? with built-in Bluetooth?

    Anyone deduce anything contrary to what I read out of that translation?


    [ 12-31-2002: Message edited by: Masker ]</p>
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