Everquest for Mac

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in Mac Software edited January 2014
No one is discussing this anywhere... do any of you have it and is it worth the money?

I'd love to get it but am afraid it'll be cancelled because not enough mac users are playing.



  • Reply 1 of 12

    Originally posted by macwork

    No one is discussing this anywhere... do any of you have it and is it worth the money?

    I'd love to get it but am afraid it'll be cancelled because not enough mac users are playing.


    They are giving it away with renewals to .mac

    I'd like to know what people think about it, Mac only servers actually sounds like an advantage to me!
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  • Reply 2 of 12
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    Where does it say that Everquest is free with a .Mac renewal?

    Sorry for my ignorance.
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  • Reply 3 of 12
    fuzz_ballfuzz_ball Posts: 390member
    I just checked the .Mac site and I don't see EQ advertised as "free with renewel" anywhere. Where did you get this idea? Better yet, if you have a link then post it.
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  • Reply 4 of 12
    shankstashanksta Posts: 96member

    Originally posted by macwork

    No one is discussing this anywhere... do any of you have it and is it worth the money?

    I'd love to get it but am afraid it'll be cancelled because not enough mac users are playing.

    Not cacncelled, but it does suck... really bad. I did beta and to tell you the truth I am waiting for World Of Warcraft since EQ is just horrible.
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  • Reply 5 of 12
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by fuzz_ball

    I just checked the .Mac site and I don't see EQ advertised as "free with renewel" anywhere. Where did you get this idea? Better yet, if you have a link then post it.

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  • Reply 6 of 12

    Originally posted by torifile


    You don't get it offered until its time for you to renew.

    Isn't World of Warcraft PC only? Its a PITA that most MMORPGS aren't Mac ready. Hey, Ho, back to PS2 online.
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  • Reply 7 of 12
    shankstashanksta Posts: 96member

    Originally posted by Bygimis Turug VIII

    You don't get it offered until its time for you to renew.

    Isn't World of Warcraft PC only? Its a PITA that most MMORPGS aren't Mac ready. Hey, Ho, back to PS2 online.

    Not only is World of Warcraft coming out for Mac at the same time as PC, but many sites reported playing on MACS at E3 with flawless preformance.
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  • Reply 8 of 12
    big macbig mac Posts: 480member

    Originally posted by Shanksta

    Not only is World of Warcraft coming out for Mac at the same time as PC, but many sites reported playing on MACS at E3 with flawless preformance.

    I knew about Mac compatibility; I didn't hear about performance claims. That's really great news. Do you have any links to those statements, Shanksta?
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  • Reply 9 of 12
    fuzz_ballfuzz_ball Posts: 390member

    Originally posted by Bygimis Turug VIII

    You don't get it offered until its time for you to renew.

    Okay, that's why I couldn't find it. I checked out several links from the main .Mac site and no luck. Hmmm, still not sure if I'll renew...especially if EQ sucks as mentioned above (that would have been half my reason for renewing, the free game that is).
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  • Reply 10 of 12
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    I heard the performance claims too, but I can't find a link... why do you think a dual 1.25 G4 couldn't handle it? IIRC all the macs Apple had at E3 were dual 1.25 w/GeForce4 Ti's
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  • Reply 11 of 12
    macworkmacwork Posts: 57member
    Frozen Throne or Everquest....

    I can't decide which one to get.

    Has anyone played Warcraft III Frozen Throne?
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  • Reply 12 of 12
    I really wish their was a MMORPG for the Mac that you could play on a laptop made prior to 2003.

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