Flash Plug in for Safari?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014

I've been using safari exclusively for a few months now with no major probs. However of late I've been to a number of sites that haven't workd properly and each time the offending site claims that I need the latest flash plug in and directs me to macromedia's web site. My problem is that macromedia only lists the flash plug in for netscape or IE! does anyone know where to get the latest flash plug in for safari?



  • Reply 1 of 7
    gargoylegargoyle Posts: 660member
    sounds like a badly written site. As far as I know safari does not need a flash plugin since quicktime is able to play flash movies.
  • Reply 2 of 7
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    Hi Gargoyle,

    the site I am trying to view at the moment is www.terminator3.com.

    at work under os9 and Ie 5.1 it works fine but at home:

    under 10.2.6 and IE 5.2:

    The front page loads but when you move the mouse over "Enter this Site" the button keeps rapidly flashing on and off and clicking on the button has no effect

    under 10.2.6 and Safari:

    The front page loads but the "Enter this Site" button doesn't even appear!

    any ideas?


  • Reply 3 of 7
    Wow, it works just fine for me...

    Reinstall Safari? Maybe X? Something could have gotten moved around *shrugs*
  • Reply 4 of 7
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member

    I've just reinstalled safari and everything works fine! go figure!

  • Reply 5 of 7
    Problems have been happening to me since early fall. Tried reinstalling Safari and such hasn't worked.

    Tell me if the Subaru site works for one. It displays initially. When you put the mouse over the car, it should urn and give some details. Doesn't for me. I just installed Opera to try too, and that is even worse!

    Any ideas short of a full rebuild?
  • Reply 6 of 7

    Originally posted by The Power of X

    Problems have been happening to me since early fall. Tried reinstalling Safari and such hasn't worked.

    Tell me if the Subaru site works for one. It displays initially. When you put the mouse over the car, it should urn and give some details. Doesn't for me. I just installed Opera to try too, and that is even worse!

    Any ideas short of a full rebuild?

    Works fine here. What version of Safari are you using? Under the Safari menu -> "About Safari"
  • Reply 7 of 7
    1.0v85 I had a 1.01 IIRC before I reinstalled. We'll attempt again later.
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