Can't wake new G4 from sleep

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I finally upgraded to a G4. It's a 1GHZ dual Superdrive. I think it is the model referred to as Wind Tunnel. I bought it used. It came with 3 hd's and I added a fourth. When I put it to sleep it has trouble waking. Last night I used the sleep command and this morning I got a message saying to restart the computer. Yesterday I did not even get as far as a message. It had no sign of life other than my monitor button was blinking.

Could this be related to having 4 hd's.


Bob G


  • Reply 1 of 2
    What system are you running? I had the same problem on my dual 1GHZ previous to the latest Jaguar update. Still, it can sometimes not wake from sleep, just doesn't happen as often. After months, my final solution has been to not put it to sleep at all, and to just use a screen saver. No problems since. Don't know what the true problem is.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    bokapbokap Posts: 19member
    I'm not sure if it is the latest Jaguar. I bought the computer used and it was installed. I'm at work so I can't check. Is there a free upgrade available if my version is not the latest? I really want to be able to put the computer to sleep because it is the Windtunnel and the guy that owned it before me did not get the noise fixed. I would prefer to have the computer available without having to boot.


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