HELP!!! My bosses TiBook is freakin' out...

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Hey everyone! I am having serious issues here. My boss just bought a used TiBook from one of our clients...I finally converted him.

Anyways, I formatted it to reinstall Jaguar. When it first came up the screen is all garbled up and now it doesn't always boot up. The screen is all trashed. Before I formatted and reinstalled, it wasn't doing it. Could something have fried on it? Did I do something wrong? I have done this s**t for years and have reinstalled OS X on many machines before this.

ANyone have any ideas?


  • Reply 1 of 2
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    try to zero all data and upgrade the firmware to the most recent version...

    what kinda Ti did you get him?
  • Reply 2 of 2
    pevepeve Posts: 518member
    your post sounded like there is no personal data on your powerbook, so:

    -disconnect all printers, external harddrive's etc

    -take out airportcard, extra ram etc

    -pop in mac os x installer or software restore cd

    -start up with "c" pressed

    if the baby starts up correct, then you most likely just have to:

    -open "disk utility" and erase the harddisk

    -do a clean install of mac os x

    -reboot and set up a user

    -reinstall airportcard's, extra ram etc one at a time

    -hook/set up printers, external harddrive's etc

    if the powerbook starts up from cd with the same effect's:

    -hardware failure

    -go to apple service center

    'hope you got warranty or applecare!

    good luck!
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