How can we help others?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I watched a program on television with Larry Jones of "Feed the Children" which is an organization to feed children across the world. He gave his story of how he found himself in the work of feeding children who are starving in many places across the globe. I was struck with a desire to want to get involved in some kind of work to serve others who have so little. I thought I would ask you all if you have ever had thoughts as to how to help others. What ideas have you thought of? Have you ever wanted to do something to help others and not known how? If you knew how to help would you take time to act on that knowledge? This is where I am.

I am so thankful for the freedoms and blessings I have had in my life and I have a deep desire to look to others who have so so little and deeply want to do something to make a difference for others.

Have you ever considered ideas to foster the administration of and logistics of getting resources to those in great need. Be it a need of food or medicine? Clean drinking water or schooling for those without?

This subject is weighing on my heart and I ask you for any and all ideas you have that could help to serve others who are in such a place of hardship that helping theirselves on their own in their situation at hand is dismal or virtually hopeless. I believe there are ways for people to bring hope and life to others and I am searching for ways and ideas to make some kind of difference.

I have already thought of ways to act locally involving such ideas as collecting can goods, rice, beans and boxed dry goods for local food pantries. To create a community service organization to collect and distribute this food according to need.

Can you weigh in with your ideas and thoughts as to how we can take time to help others? I thank you in advance for your thoughts. There are so many in need and for those who can help I believe we can change lives and restore hope and a better future for our fellow brothers and sisters.




  • Reply 1 of 20
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    i applied to a work in mozambique some years ago (but they chose someone who didn't speak any portuguese), and later for another in nigeria (and nearly went there - just wasn't 200 % sure it was the right moment.). first was some kind of generic help (not overly church) and second for university help programs. i was so full of the useless western style of life that the nothing-ness or minimalism they live in daily could have probably teached me a lot more than what i'd seen around me before. people collecting money, nice houses, decorations, white huge sofas, trucks, quadruple dining sets for 12, laces, electrical tin openers, dot mac online photography showing how your life shines, leisurewear in matching fabrics ... once i have money (a steady income) i think i'll adopt on distance someone / some kids in the poorer countries. so insfead of a light beer night someone can eat a month and learn to read and write...
  • Reply 2 of 20
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Fellows, you have pretty well covered all bases..except adoption..both locally & overseas...

    Sometimes it's not just the young who need help..

    I used to be involved in a Unicef adoption program..

    Now I take time to help an old guy..who is crippled and needs help with daily stuff & lives just up the road from me..

    Talking and sharing some time with these old a them a lot in an emotional sense and costs nothing....So sometimes it is not just money that helps..but love.

    I don't have much money, but I have plenty enough love and friendship to charge...
  • Reply 3 of 20
  • Reply 4 of 20
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
  • Reply 5 of 20
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    Fellows, you have pretty well covered all bases..except adoption..both locally & overseas...

    Sometimes it's not just the young who need help..

    I used to be involved in a Unicef adoption program..

    Now I take time to help an old guy..who is crippled and needs help with daily stuff & lives just up the road from me..

    Talking and sharing some time with these old a them a lot in an emotional sense and costs nothing....So sometimes it is not just money that helps..but love.

    I don't have much money, but I have plenty enough love and friendship to charge...

    Very nice reply Meals on Wheels is a program here by which people take food to older people who can not serve themselves meals. Thanks for your reply

  • Reply 6 of 20
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    My mom did meals on wheels years ago, until some dirty old bastard tried to feel her up. For some reason she quit doing it after that day.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    A church leader at my church adopted a small boy from Kazakhstan and has brought him to church every Sunday. His parents were killed by the Russians years ago, and he has been in an adoption agency ever since.
  • Reply 8 of 20
    You know, contributing something positive to society that helps people doesn't always have to be these grandiose gestures. Plenty of other ways, too
  • Reply 9 of 20

    Originally posted by murbot

    My mom did meals on wheels years ago, until some dirty old bastard tried to feel her up. For some reason she quit doing it after that day.

    And that's how murbot came to be born...

  • Reply 10 of 20
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Please die, mother****er.

    Yes, personal attack.

  • Reply 11 of 20

    Originally posted by murbot

    My mom did meals on wheels years ago, until some dirty old bastard tried to feel her up. For some reason she quit doing it after that day.

    Maybe it wasnt the meal he wanted to eat...

  • Reply 12 of 20
    fellowshipfellowship Posts: 5,038member
    Let's get the thread back on topic \

  • Reply 13 of 20
    I'm buying and then giving away copies of Pay It Forward to three strangers.
  • Reply 14 of 20

    Originally posted by FellowshipChurch iBook

    Let's get the thread back on topic \


    Ok.. will do...

    everyone join P.A.P.

    People Against Pigeons..
  • Reply 15 of 20
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by The General

    Ok.. will do...

    everyone join P.A.P.

    Don't they always run smear campaigns?
  • Reply 16 of 20
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member
    They may be small gestures but my wife and I have been sponsoring a missionary family in Russia for I guess about 8 years now. We sponsor a child through Compassion and also sponsor Air1 Radio in our local area in hopes there will always be some positive music to which people can listen.

    We also hosted families and students in our home for periods of time up to a year.

    Still trying to do more...

  • Reply 17 of 20
    nixinixi Posts: 49member
    Where on earth is BR?
  • Reply 18 of 20
    jonathanjonathan Posts: 312member
    BR is back as of... well, just clicked the button.

    Fellowship; a few years ago, and ever since, i've participated in an AME church's thanksgiving and christmas food program, in which they box everything for a thanksgiving dinner (probably $50+ worth of food, most of which is donated by local businesses) for 300+ families in Northeast DC.

    It's a rather complicated ordeal, and the coordinator (or, the one-time coordinator, not sure if she still runs it) was employed at my Dad's former company.

    It's a ridiculously good feeling. Plus, the chili that some of the parishioners cook up to feed the volunteers every year is worth the time, definitely.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    rick1138rick1138 Posts: 938member
    I volunteer in a nursing home. i was getting bored with it and was going to quit, then I realized I wasn't there to make myself happy.
  • Reply 20 of 20
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by nixi

    Where on earth is BR?

    I'm baaaaaaaaack.
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