When is the ETA on your PowerBook?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Okay, I'm a newbie (well, long-time lurker, actually) and I'm starting a new PowerBook thread. Bue I've strapped on my full-body flame-protection gear, so I think I'm ready...

I'm curious about what shipping dates people are seeing for already-ordered PowerBooks. I don't know if this has any bearing to a possible release date, but if nothing else it will be an entertaining distraction while we wait. 8)

I ordered a 15"/1GHz on 22 July 2003 through the Apple Education Store. At first, they showed a shipping date of 5 August 2003, but on that date they changed it to 20 August 2003.

What kind of dates are others seeing? Anything before 8/18 or 8/19?


  • Reply 1 of 3

    Originally posted by elemenopy

    I ordered a 15"/1GHz on 22 July 2003 through the Apple Education Store. At first, they showed a shipping date of 5 August 2003, but on that date they changed it to 20 August 2003.

    Sounds great, elemenopy! But this discussion belongs in one of the existing "new PowerBook" threads nonetheless.

    Hope you get a speed-bumped PB instead of the 10-month old notebook you ordered. I'll be content to get in line later, when I am certain that I'll get a newly updated PowerBook.

    Cold Turkey
  • Reply 2 of 3
    brigbrig Posts: 1member
    I ordered a 12", was bumped back to the 20th (originally slated to ship in late july...), and then it shipped the next day after I made a phone call (the 5th) and got 2 day shipping for free. If you ordered a PB and a few other things (and told them to ship all at once), then it probably isnt the PB holding it up. My printer was holding me up, my PB and ipod had been waiting for a couple days. If you ordered and are shipping everything separately, then that is a different story (if your PB itself says the 20th). Keep in mind that Apple wont push you back so you get the newest shiny PB, they will send you what you ordered, especcially if it lets them clear out just a wee bit more inventory.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Cold Turkey

    Sounds great, elemenopy! But this discussion belongs in one of the existing "new PowerBook" threads nonetheless.

    Hope you get a speed-bumped PB instead of the 10-month old notebook you ordered. I'll be content to get in line later, when I am certain that I'll get a newly updated PowerBook.

    Cold Turkey

    What, more then one?
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