iBook 800/Griffin iMic/Cubase and the first time I've been genuinely angry at apple.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I could never hate apple. Ever. It's not possible. I've been using macs for longer than I can remember and I love the user experience and everything about them.

But I bought an iBook 800 awhile back and I wanted to use it for some simple multitrack demo recording and similar things. I think to myself, well jeepers, the iBook has no internal audio interface. Then I look on the web for a solution to this problem and I discover the Griffin iMic which basically exclaims that it will work as an audio interface just like the one that would be built into your mac. I think, oh good, Apple's ****ing angering move can be replaced by buying a simple $30 accessory. I buy the iMic and hook it up all excited to make a recording in CubaseSX and of course I discover that there are no ASIO Drivers that will connect the iMic and Cubase. That in fact, no multitrack audio recording can be done with cheap USB audio solutions for the iBook. That you have to drop like another $500 to get something that will let you mulitrack on a low end mac (which if I had i would have bought a ****ing powerbook to begin with).

It's upsetting because, come to think of it, I could have put together a PC box for like $500 with a really good sounding audio card (better than the iMic by scores) and though it owuld have been unpleasant to use, it would have worked. It's hard to say that in this situation it's paying premium prices to use the best, cause in this situation it's not even possible


  • Reply 1 of 13
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member
    um no Powerbook has ever had multitrack recording built in. In fact no Mac has this ability unless you buy a PCI card or an external box. And the iMic is a poor choice for microphone recordings since it has a 1/8" connector instead of balanced 1/4" or XLR.

    Plus no 500 dollar PC would be any good at audio recordings. It would lack PCI expansion and have a very slow hard drive.

    You can get some pretty good USB solutions for multi track recording for under 300 that work with CubaseSX. Also try Protools Free, it works with the iMic.(but only in OS 9).

    I don't see how this is Apple's fault. You just misread the specs of the iBook and iMic.

    No need to quote the whole thing when you're the first poster... - murbot
  • Reply 2 of 13
    pippinpippin Posts: 91member
    I did not misread. When I say multitrack recording I mean the ability to use protools/cubase/digital performer to record tracks over one another. Any mac with a built in audio interface could do this, infact, one of the first Macs with this capability was the Powermac 6100 which came out what, a decade ago...

    Most people who make such recordings don't intend on plugging microphones directly into their interfaces, anyone with half a brain would use a preamp or a mixer, most of which happen to have 1/8 inch outputs...

    Perhaps you're not familiar with pricewatch.com a website on which you can assemble your own PC from very cheap reasonable quality parts if you know what you're doing...all of which have PCI expansion...there aren't many PCs around that don't do PCI expansion...in fact lack of PCI expansion isn't a problem at all in the PC world.

    Under $300 is still 10x what I paid with the iMic and that's 10x too much.

    Protools Free stutters and chokes in Mac OS 9 with an iMic on any mac I've tried it on, and it lacks features necessary to create a demo recording with a reasonable sound quality.

    It is very much Apple's fault for being unreasonable about including something as simple as an audio interface on a low end mac.

    MOD EDIT: Removed the extremely profane language. - murbot
  • Reply 3 of 13
    pippinpippin Posts: 91member
    Might i ask why that entire passage was removed when the extremely profane language that I think you are referencing was only a few scattered words?

    4. Excessive ad-hominem attacks of forum members will not be tolerated. We understand that things get heated, but it helps to maintain a modicum of respect for the membership. Attack ideas, not people. Be open-minded and try to help foster meaningful discussion (yes, meaningful discussion is possible if everyone respects each other).

    5. Sexually graphic or otherwise offensive material is strictly forbidden. AppleInsider will strive to maintain a work-friendly and family-friendly environment in regards to pornography and hate-speech. These cases are up to the discretion of the moderators and administrators. Pursuant to this, toilet humor is not tolerated. It is expected that the membership can conduct themselves with enough maturity to avoid such idiocy.

    7. While foul language is tolerated to a certain extent, profanity in the title of threads is not allowed. Excessive, unnecessary use of profanity (again, at the moderators' discretion) is not welcome.

    Is there anyone left here who was a member in 98/99 back when the AppleInsider forums didn't used to have huge disclaimers loaded with tons of legal ass coverage, and when it wasn't lame and awful? Those were the days. I left right around the time that people were getting banned for not being G rated. I totally forgot that AppleInsider was a complete playpen.

    I feel bad for anyone who is so protective of themself that they have to sheild themselves from a few curse words. Murbot, why on earth would you want to sit around on a forum and edit people's posts for swear words, or, why would you even want to work for a forum with such strict language (and other) rules.

    I'm sure this post will get cut down due to it being off topic, which is also a god damn tragedy, but the point of my edited out passage was that you, jante99 unnecessarily spoke down to me and it was perfectly clear that you were the one who did not know what you were talking about. You looked foolish.
  • Reply 4 of 13
    jlljll Posts: 2,713member

    Originally posted by Pippin

    I did not misread. When I say multitrack recording I mean the ability to use protools/cubase/digital performer to record tracks over one another. Any mac with a built in audio interface could do this, infact, one of the first Macs with this capability was the Powermac 6100 which came out what, a decade ago...

    And the 6100 was a portable? Apple is not selling iBooks as music recording Macs.

    Buy a cheap PMG4 instead - Cubase requires a G4 anyway.
  • Reply 5 of 13
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    What, no professional audio solutions on a consumer portable? I am outraged. They should probably add a couple inches and add some optical in/out to the iBook, of course reduce the price as well.

    See where I'm going with this? It's an option not a necessity

    For $500 you can build a pretty nice PC with good audio card, of course I assume you already have a monitor.


    Already disliked enough by some.
  • Reply 6 of 13
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by Pippin

    Might i ask why that entire passage was removed when the extremely profane language that I think you are referencing was only a few scattered words?


    Is there anyone left here who was a member in 98/99 back when the AppleInsider forums didn't used to have huge disclaimers loaded with tons of legal ass coverage, and when it wasn't lame and awful? Those were the days. I left right around the time that people were getting banned for not being G rated. I totally forgot that AppleInsider was a complete playpen.

    The profane language that was removed was MUCH worse than the occasional "shit", etc. If you are going to get bent out of shape over the removal of the language you just used, then I advise you to find yourself another message board. That type of thing has NEVER been allowed here. I do not know of any Mac related message board where that type of thing is tolerated.

    I was not going to edit out only the particular words and leave in the rest of the scathing attack. I did this in hopes of salvaging the thread. If it continued down the road that you had steered it, it would have been locked soon enough. I think you need to reread jante99's post - he's not attacking you personally, not calling you stupid, not being rude to you... (certainly not calling you the things you called him).

    If you really feel that having a moderator removing phrases like "dripping female sex organs" (I'll paraphrase) makes this place a playpen, and you would like to discuss it further, feel free to PM me.
  • Reply 7 of 13
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by murbot

    I do not know of any Mac related message board where that type of thing is tolerated.

    You say mac message board, I am curious if you only said that because you don't know about PC message boards or because they allow that?

    I have noticed that PC gamers use a lot more profanity and verbal attacks (even if not serious) then Mac gamers do. Just an oddity I thought I'd mention, hopefully not too off topic as its related to your post in a way.
  • Reply 8 of 13
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member
    What happened to this thread? I posted last night thinking Pippin wanted to record multiple audio tracks at once into his iBook and this morning his replay has been edited for foul language.

    The TCWorks Spark software works with the iMic and the basic version is free. http://www.tcworks.de/home/content/e...ome/render_top

    The problem you face is that no 30 dollar solution will work perfectly. The iMic is great but it is limited. If you still want to use the iMic try http://www.minidisco.com/mics-headphones-mics.html These are all mics for MD players and thus will work with the iMics 1/8" input.

    My brother records guitar and singing with just the iBooks built in mic and it doesn't sound that bad.
  • Reply 9 of 13
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Pippin

    Is there anyone left here who was a member in 98/99 back when the AppleInsider forums didn't used to have huge disclaimers loaded with tons of legal ass coverage, and when it wasn't lame and awful? Those were the days. I left right around the time that people were getting banned for not being G rated. I totally forgot that AppleInsider was a complete playpen.

    you probably should have stayed away if you're gonna be like this.


    What, no professional audio solutions on a consumer portable? I am outraged. They should probably add a couple inches and add some optical in/out to the iBook, of course reduce the price as well.

    you really need to start making sense. Crap like that just pisses off people and is the typical mac user bullshit response.

    so played.... and so ignorant
  • Reply 10 of 13
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by applenut

    you probably should have stayed away if you're gonna be like this.

    you really need to start making sense. Crap like that just pisses off people and is the typical mac user bullshit response.

    so played.... and so ignorant

    Your first statement is correct and I should have probably and probably will, but I think it's more stupid to be mad at Apple for this. It is more of a software issue anyways and he is complaining that he could build a PC tower that works. Well he doesn't have a tower he has an iBook which there are ways to get multiple tracks it seems from people's responses but he decided to spout off and apparently use profanity before he asked about options, THAT pisses me off.

    By the way, why have you been so belligerent to me lately?
  • Reply 11 of 13
    pippinpippin Posts: 91member
    "What, no professional audio solutions on a consumer portable? I am outraged. They should probably add a couple inches and add some optical in/out to the iBook, of course reduce the price as well.

    See where I'm going with this? It's an option not a necessity

    For $500 you can build a pretty nice PC with good audio card, of course I assume you already have a monitor."

    Well first, I do already have a monitor.

    But also, you keep on trying to find ways to make me look wrong about something you clearly know nothing about. You assume that I want pro audio features on a consumer mac? I want a single, solitary, 44.1khz audio-in port. That's all i've been asking for since the beginning of the thread. A way to get audio into a mac.. off the top of my head, of macs that I've owned, this is included on the original iMac, an iMac DVSE, a Powerbook 1400, a Performa 6360...

    Yeah, boo hoo I'm asking too much of apple for them to include standard something that most consumer computers of today have built in, and that most macs had built in standard years and years ago.

    Language should not be an issue on the internet or in real life. People should be civil to one another, yes, and had that happened this thread would not have taken such a turn. But if that turn need be taken it shouldn't be edited. though there is no need to beat a dead horse.
  • Reply 12 of 13
    idebaseridebaser Posts: 121member

    Originally posted by Pippin

    I did not misread. When I say multitrack recording I mean the ability to use protools/cubase/digital performer to record tracks over one another. Any mac with a built in audio interface could do this, infact, one of the first Macs with this capability was the Powermac 6100 which came out what, a decade ago...

    Protools Free stutters and chokes in Mac OS 9 with an iMic on any mac I've tried it on, and it lacks features necessary to create a demo recording with a reasonable sound quality.

    It is very much Apple's fault for being unreasonable about including something as simple as an audio interface on a low end mac.

    Have you tried your iBook w/ Emagic Logic Audio??

    afterall, that's an Apple owned program made to work on Macs...

  • Reply 13 of 13
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Your first statement is correct and I should have probably and probably will, but I think it's more stupid to be mad at Apple for this. It is more of a software issue anyways and he is complaining that he could build a PC tower that works. Well he doesn't have a tower he has an iBook which there are ways to get multiple tracks it seems from people's responses but he decided to spout off and apparently use profanity before he asked about options, THAT pisses me off.

    By the way, why have you been so belligerent to me lately?

    note, i told HIM he probably should have stayed away..... not you.

    just, your response was embarrassing. i can't stand that type of response from mac users. so elitist and so arrogant.
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