upgrading a B&W

in General Discussion edited January 2014
hello --

i'm a proud owner of the b&w. who else here has one? i upgraded the video card to the radeon 7000 and it is plenty speedy, though i am not a gamer. i'm thinking of buying a 900mhz G3 upgrade for it for $349.95 from OWC ( http://eshop.macsales.com/Catalog_It...Item=PLGPFZ900 )

anyone have any experience with the processor? regardless, i'd like to know who else runs a b&w...it is suprisingly snappy in OS X! i am very pleased


  • Reply 1 of 3
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I had one way back when. Nice machine, the last OS I had running on it was OS 9.1 however , with a G3 500MHz processor. That was just before OS X had come out.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    I've got a B&W G3/350 that I've clocked to 400 MHz, have 1 GB of RAM, a Radeon 7000, internal & external CDRW, external DVD-ROM, 12 GB & 80 GB ATA and 9 GB SCSI hard drives, USB 2.0 pci card and an internal Zip. Running 10.2.6 and I love it!

    I'm planning on upgrading the processor soon, myself - just don't know which one yet.

    The Radeon's in the middle of a warranty return/repair at the moment so I'm using the Rage128 (which I dislike), but I really like the card.

    Oh - get on their Mail List - you get specials like this
  • Reply 3 of 3
    I so want a B&W. There so expensive on ebay. Checked eBay cheapest was 300+. Just think 900Mhz G3 1GB Ram 2 40GB HD's, Voodoo5 PCI Graphics card.. all in a B&W case. Ahh, so grand..
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