Think I'll get an upgraded Powerbook instead?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Howdy Guys,

Some of you dudes seem to be in the know...uh...sorta. Heres my question. I ordered a 12' PowerBook with Combo Drive about 2 weeks ago. When I ask why I haven't gotten it yet at the University Education Store I ordered it from...they tell me that Apple doesn't have it slated to be shipped from California until August 21. So, if this whole upgrade thing happens on Tuesday, think they'll send me an upgraded PowerBook instead of the standard one I ordered? Think there will be much of a difference in price? Probably a very stupid question...but just wondering.



  • Reply 1 of 1
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    A similar thing happened to a friend of mine, except she ordered if from an apple store in california, what happened though, she was making the order, and the guy there told her "hey, we are actually not getting any more of these for a while, but we are getting a new model next tuesday(or whenever) if you order this model now I can give you the model that replaces it for the same price" the result, she ended up with a 1 ghz powerbook with superdrive for about 500 dollars less than what it would have normally cost.
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