mac compatibility in london
hello everyone,
i'm from singapore and intend to get a powerbook for my studies in the (london) uk, but when i went for a pre-departure talk organized by a collection of universities.
one of the parents warned against bringing over an apple macintosh because of "compatibility" issues and support problems but she wasn't specific.
now that got MY mother worried, and now she's insisting that i get a wintel machine, but that's obviously out of the question.
so the only alternative now is to find out and convince her otherwise.
my opinion is that ppl say things like "apple isn't compatible .... yada yada yada" out of ignorance and just because windows isn't compatible with os x
it means os x isn't compatible with windows. there is office x for word processing and presentations, ethernet networking sld work just fine with jaguar or panther.
i only problems i foresee is perhaps airport compatibility and as my course requires programming, the programming software.
i'll be doing ANSI C, are there os x software in the market for that program language ?
and does anyone foresee any other possible problems i might face ?
any advice is appreciated
i'm from singapore and intend to get a powerbook for my studies in the (london) uk, but when i went for a pre-departure talk organized by a collection of universities.
one of the parents warned against bringing over an apple macintosh because of "compatibility" issues and support problems but she wasn't specific.
now that got MY mother worried, and now she's insisting that i get a wintel machine, but that's obviously out of the question.
so the only alternative now is to find out and convince her otherwise.
my opinion is that ppl say things like "apple isn't compatible .... yada yada yada" out of ignorance and just because windows isn't compatible with os x
it means os x isn't compatible with windows. there is office x for word processing and presentations, ethernet networking sld work just fine with jaguar or panther.
i only problems i foresee is perhaps airport compatibility and as my course requires programming, the programming software.
i'll be doing ANSI C, are there os x software in the market for that program language ?
and does anyone foresee any other possible problems i might face ?
any advice is appreciated
First try their website, and see if they have on-line support documents. Then try contacting either tech support, your future lecturers or admin staff, or students in the years above you and get a straight answer.
Bear in mind you'll probably have to persevere to find a Mac fan or someone with an open mind who will actually tell you the truth rather than dismiss Macs out of hand.
I switched at the start of the year and have only had one problem. my business online banking used certificates that could not be reproduced in OSX so i bought a copy of virtual pc. problem sorted.
Airports? I got one shortly after i bought my 12"pb again no issues. The airport extreme card simply listens for signals. As far as i'm aware the frequencies used will remain the same which ever country your in.
Hope this helps.