Where new iMacs might be headed to

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Well, I'm not yet a spoof artist, but, thinking what might be next for the iMac, I was thinking along the lines of the original iMac. Because what was that: a computer and screen IN one.

These days, however, LCD is here to stay, that needs no saying. So, what about if, in a next iteration, they made the iMac really as a thin (but not tablet-thin) LCD screen with computer behind it. It might be 2, 3 inches in depth, have ports on the side, optical drive on the side (vertically loaded, maybe a bit B&O ish), and all this you could fit on a wall, or you could choose to use the included stand (making it look SOMEWHAT like the present day cinema displays).

And of course, with the ability to hang it on the wall, it makes one think of the now fashionable plasma screens.

These would, of course, feature a rather large screen (19 inch minimum), and for the rest be filled with all the crap that makes the imac the consumer mac. I don't care too much about that. I was rather going for the design here.

All in all, I think this would make sense (in that it would truly be the next generation all-in-one computer), and I'm sure Apple'd be able to make it stand out from generic plasma displays. Maybe it's thickness would be a bit too much to make it easily manageable. Who knows. You all get my drift. How about it?

And don't make this into a tablet trip, for it has nothing to do with it, unless you wanna lug around a fat cinema display type machine.


  • Reply 1 of 15
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    You'd lose the incredibly cool and ergonomic adjustable screen, though.

    This is what pretty much everyone on the boards - myself included - thought the LCD iMac was going to look like before Apple dropped the bomb.

  • Reply 2 of 15
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I like the iLamp. I'm just not jazzed about the White Plastic. Looks like it'll get dirty and be hard to clean. I say tweak the base yet keep things pretty simple...it just works. In contrast the Gateway Profile is an ugly machine by comparison to these eyes.

    Feb 4 will determine if I go eMac or iMac. Can't wait.
  • Reply 3 of 15
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Hmmm... aluminum iLamps...

  • Reply 4 of 15
    709709 Posts: 2,016member
    I remembered seeing something like you mentioned der Kopf:

    Like this?
  • Reply 5 of 15
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I've seen something like that too...

    Of course this one opens PDFs like 10 faster than a Mac does...

  • Reply 6 of 15
    I think what you'll see is the screen get bigger (possibly a 19") and the base start to get smaller (as they are able to).

    You also begin to see Bluetooth become more prominent.

    The effect that will be achieved is that the "computer" begins to "disappear", and you have this gorgeous display just "floating" in mid-air.

    The cables will begin to disappear too.

    In Apple's industrial design, I seem to see this trend of getting the device "out of the way" and let me do work. What you DO see of the device is, of course elegant and attractive.

    Contrast this with the PC world which would just as soon slam together a bunch of components into a plain box with a bunch of cables dangling out of it.

    There appears to be a definite "mission" or "philosophy" behind Apple's hardware (and software) design. I just don't think we've seen the full formation of it yet. These things take time. (Or, as the Wicked Witch of the West would say "These things must be done delicately.)
  • Reply 7 of 15
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    I don't think so.

    Imac redesign in two years (i mean physical design not screen sizes and whatnot). And it will probably a different take on what we have now like rev a evolution.

    [ 01-31-2003: Message edited by: O and A ]</p>
  • Reply 8 of 15
    This is for everyone that thinks anything at 2GHz is fast (Murbot, ahem). Its a lie and a fallacy just like it has been all along. A 2GHz Celeron is not a fast processor. If you give it enough time it can process a lot of data. But if you need something this second, forget it. Ive built a host of "office pc's" with whatever the current cheap processor is for clients and they all feel twice as slow as my PIII600. They are sh|t. The durons are better, but still...

    All these all-in-ones in the pc world are nothing but weak laptops, usually with a laptop cd/dvd drive to boot. there has been no quantum shift in processing power in 10-12 years since the 486/040 era. the first pentiums were clock for clock hardly better than a 486. Its the 386-486 jump that was the last monumental change.

    Now its all messed up. Intel screwed themselves by jacking the frequency so high over the last year... theres no way they will be able to keep up that pace, semi-conductor manufacturers are all crying out now about how the .9 process will be delayed for most... we are hitting the ceiling for trace size and silicon based boards.

    Time is coming soon for a fundamental change in computers. perhaps most closely exemplified by the playstation architecture and most fundamentally opposed to the xbox architecture.

    ahhhhh... arrrrgh.. rant complete, exiting...

    [ 01-31-2003: Message edited by: I-bent-my-wookie ]

    [ 01-31-2003: Message edited by: I-bent-my-wookie ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 15
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by murbot:

    [QB]I've seen something like that too...

    <img src="graemlins/surprised.gif" border="0" alt="[surprised]" /> Sorry Boys! But these examples never looks as good as the current iMac!

    But the idea is funny!

    I don't expect a completely new iMac in this year.
  • Reply 10 of 15
    bradbowerbradbower Posts: 1,068member
    The point of separating the display and computer bits was to gain ergonomics by avoiding an inelegant "solution" like that, which has only been done one hundred billion times before, by nearly every other PC manufacturer. Another big part of the smart design choice was logistics, i.e. now we can have iMacs with the same computer enclosure, but three different display sizes without having to redesign the whole thing. Why would we ever go backwards, if it had to be over three inches thick? What a kluge. This thread belongs in 1999!
  • Reply 11 of 15
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    [quote]This is for everyone that thinks anything at 2GHz is fast (Murbot, ahem).<hr></blockquote>

    What, I didn't add enough s to my post?


  • Reply 12 of 15
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Chris Cuilla:

    <strong>I think what you'll see is the screen get bigger (possibly a 19") and the base start to get smaller (as they are able to).


    The 17" iMac is getting close to looking stupid, so a bigger screen on a smaller base would just look horrible.
  • Reply 13 of 15
    o and ao and a Posts: 579member
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:


    The 17" iMac is getting close to looking stupid, so a bigger screen on a smaller base would just look horrible.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't understand why alot of people say this. I think it looks fine. I've seen it in person and it looks fine. I don't think a 19 inch would be pushing it and is probably still far off.

  • Reply 14 of 15
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by O and A:


    I don't understand why alot of people say this. I think it looks fine. I've seen it in person and it looks fine. I don't think a 19 inch would be pushing it and is probably still far off.


    I see it in person all the time and my opinion of it's gotten better.... I used to think it looked absolutely ridiculous but I've gotten used to it. But that's besides the point. If they made the base a drop bigger I'm sure it would look bigger, but a 19" on the current base is just pushing it.
  • Reply 15 of 15
    I reckon an LC II or III type box with a LCD monitor on top, or like a thin client type box that is next to the monitor.
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