Hamas Declares Cease - Fire Over

in General Discussion edited January 2014
As a result of the Israeli's killing one of their leaders, Hamas has now declared the ceasefire to be over...

Wow.. what hypocrisy..

You'd think that killing 20 innocent Israeli women & children on a bus might be the cause of the cease-fire collapsing..

But no, with typical bloody minded logic Hamas has shown once again how desperate it is to blame to Israelis.

How long will it be before the Palestinian people rid themselves of these terrorists groups from amongst their midst ?


  • Reply 1 of 21
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    And a link not as biased as your representation of the facts might be helpful.


    Palestinian militants called off a tattered two-month-old truce on Thursday after an Israeli helicopter killed a senior Hamas political leader with a volley of missiles.... The target of the Israeli rocket attack Thursday was Ismail Abu Shanab, 53, a prominent Hamas spokesman and U.S.-educated engineering professor who was considered one of the more pragmatic members of the group and who pushed the movement to call their truce on June 29.

  • Reply 2 of 21
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Hamas denies the Jerusalem blast which was claimed by Islamic Jihad.

    Why not tell it like it is ? I know they're all the same to you Aqua but facts must still mean something eh ?

    Sorry Sedgy, but if you read my post carefully, I didn't actually say that Hamas were responsible for the bombing.

    Second point..Hamas have declared the cease-fire over as a result of one of their leaders being killed in an Israeli rocket attack.

    Check it out on Google news..
  • Reply 3 of 21
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    ...I didn't actually say that Hamas were responsible for the bombing.

    No, but you did say it was 'bloody minded logic' to blame Israel for a rocket attack that killed one of the political leaders.

  • Reply 4 of 21
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    I agree about Islamic Jihad being responsible...

    But then Israel must have some connection to have wanted to go after the Hamas leadership..

    Or is it that they don't give a fig about what actions are taken in response to the killing of those Israeli civilians...

    I suspect that there is some degree of collusion between these terrorists groups...
  • Reply 5 of 21
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by bunge

    No, but you did say it was 'bloody minded logic' to blame Israel for a rocket attack that killed one of the political leaders.

    Point taken...
  • Reply 6 of 21
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Hamas denies the Jerusalem blast which was claimed by Islamic Jihad.

    Why not tell it like it is ? I know they're all the same to you Aqua but facts must still mean something eh ?

    But they do claim responsibility for an attack earlier this month.
  • Reply 7 of 21
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    There was a cease-fire?
  • Reply 8 of 21
    longhornlonghorn Posts: 147member

    A Hamas leader in Gaza had called both attacks, which shattered six weeks of relative calm, a "natural response" to continuing Israeli raids but said the group remained committed to a cease-fire declared by militant factions on June 29.

    We're committed to a cease-fire, but we're going to keep killing people.

    What a bunch of ****tards.

    BTW, Hamas did claim responsibility for the attack. At least before their leader was killed.


    The Israeli strike on Abu Shanab came two days after a bus bombing that killed 20 people in Jerusalem. Both the military wing of Hamas and Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for that terror attack. Both groups have carried out numerous attacks on Israeli civilians and military targets in the past.

    Taken from CNN
  • Reply 9 of 21

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    There was a cease-fire?

    My thoughts exactly. More like a "slow-down" than anything.
  • Reply 10 of 21
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Longhorn

    [B]We're committed to a cease-fire, but we're going to keep killing people.

    What a bunch of ****tards.

    It's almost funny how these comments are agnostic.
  • Reply 11 of 21
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member
    I think that extremists on both sides of the Palestian/Israeli divide - who have indirectly and sometimes even directly colluded with each other - must be very happy with this turn of events.

    But as I have pointed out in another thread, this particular roadmap never really had a chance from the outset. It is time to start thinking of new ideas.

    It is also time for both sides to recognize the humanity of the other. Nobody who is killing children and other civilians could be recognizing the humanity of the other side. Nobody who is continuing to build settlements on land that it says it will be giving back and who is putting the other side in concentration camps behind fences - separated from their farms and other lands - is recognizing the humanity of the other side.
  • Reply 12 of 21
    frankly both sides are nuts..

    i have both jewish & muslim friends & whenever

    this topic crops up my first thought...what a useless

    religion (both of them)if all they do is think about killing each other

    why not provide nukes to both sides & let them blow each other up. all i see on either side is a bunch of old men

    who cant let go of their hatred & destroying future generations as a result.
  • Reply 13 of 21
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    As a result of the Israeli's killing one of their leaders, Hamas has now declared the ceasefire to be over...

    Wow.. what hypocrisy..

    You'd think that killing 20 innocent Israeli women & children on a bus might be the cause of the cease-fire collapsing..

    But no, with typical bloody minded logic Hamas has shown once again how desperate it is to blame to Israelis.

    How long will it be before the Palestinian people rid themselves of these terrorists groups from amongst their midst ?

    I thought the same thing. The unmitigated gall of that statement...it's unbelievable.

    Anyway, I was very hopeful for the roadmap to peace. I though maybe...just MAYBE with the new PM things may change for the better. Israel made some serious concessions and Abbas seemed to be more willing....

    But now, it seems the new PM is unable or unwilling to stop the terror from his own people. I am beginning to agree with those that say Israel must first win the war before negotiating for peace. What does this mean? It means NOT doing these bullshit, isolated targeted assasinations and using their tried and failed "in again, out again" approach. If they're going to have an all-out war with the Palestinians, then they should do it. Period. If not, then COMPLETELY withdraw, dismantle settlements in the West Bank and Gaza, pledge not to build more, release all the prisoners and publicly declare the conflict over Then, Israel will truly be able to say it has done everything possible for peace.

    They would then be totally justified in using any military means neccesary to defend themselves. Unfortunately, it's a bit tough to negotiate with an enemy that wants no other outcome than to see you pushed into the sea.
  • Reply 14 of 21
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    They would then be totally justified in using any military means neccesary to defend themselves.

    Somehow to you this is mutually exclusive.
  • Reply 15 of 21
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Maybe it's just me, but I can't see the "moral equivilance " between the blowing up innocent Israeli women & children in buses & in cafes and the Israelis' targetting of individual palestinian terrorists ?

    But then I'd wonder what the worlds' reaction would be if the Palestinians went after individuaI Israeli leaders


    the Israeli's started strapping bombs to themselves in Gaza & the West bank ?

    Sick..yes..but in a morally equivilant war this would be the ultimate scenario...

    In the meantime I truly hope that the Palestinians have the courage to back up their Prime Minister & their fledgling attempts at democracy...
  • Reply 16 of 21
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    Originally posted by bunge

    And a link not as biased as your representation of the facts might be helpful.

    Weak doesn't mean unbiased.

    "The target of the Israeli rocket attack Thursday was Ismail Abu Shanab, 53, a prominent Hamas spokesman and U.S.-educated engineering professor who was considered one of the more pragmatic members of the group and who pushed the movement to call their truce on June 29"

    What exactly does it mean to be a more pragmatic terrorist? We'll blow up what we can right now, and comply with ceasefires while we look for more munitions?
  • Reply 17 of 21
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    So I'm confused about the bombing. I see a few different versions of the events.





    So most reports state how Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, but what about these reports that 'hamas distributed fliers' and 'hamas released the video?'

    Also really interesting the the ID shown in the first link. Not only does it happen to be totally intact after being right next to this bomb, but why would he have it? It would be completely useless and only harmful to the operation for him to carry it.

    So how do we reconcile all of these stories? Is there more out there about it that I haven't seen yet.
  • Reply 18 of 21
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Somehow to you this is mutually exclusive.

    I'm not sure what you mean by that.
  • Reply 19 of 21
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by giant

    So I'm confused about the bombing. I see a few different versions of the events.





    So most reports state how Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility, but what about these reports that 'hamas distributed fliers' and 'hamas released the video?'

    Also really interesting the the ID shown in the first link. Not only does it happen to be totally intact after being right next to this bomb, but why would he have it? It would be completely useless and only harmful to the operation for him to carry it.

    So how do we reconcile all of these stories? Is there more out there about it that I haven't seen yet.

    Must be a Jewish plot huh? Oooops I mean Israeli. Gotta speak in the new code.
  • Reply 20 of 21
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Originally posted by giant

    " So I'm confused about the bombing. I see a few different versions of the events. "

    And so am I.

    The original reports I saw & heard named Hamas, then it was retracted & islamic Jihad claimed it, then Hamas jumped right back in...

    " Also really interesting the the ID shown in the first link. Not only does it happen to be totally intact after being right next to this bomb, but why would he have it? It would be completely useless and only harmful to the operation for him to carry it. "

    It is quite possible that he was proud of his actions and wanted to be identified a.s.a.p in order to speed up the full handover & internment of his remains..as prescribed by islamic law...

    Apparently the Israelis' have been known to hold onto such suicide bombers remains as an act of ritual violation and as a payback to the families of such bombers.

    " So how do we reconcile all of these stories? Is there more out there about it that I haven't seen yet."

    Most likely yes. More specifically, these groups share imformation, and it wouldn't be a quantum leap for them to share operations & operatives. Also there is the old urge for prestige...

    Furthermore, Israels' Mossad has many palestinian operatives in the West bank and Gaza, feeding them constant streams of imformation.

    If the IDF targetted Hamas leaders it must have been as a result of a credible line of information passed onto them via their Mossad contacts.
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