Lights, Camera, Exploitation...
That's Our Bush!
Seems that Showtime will air a "docudrama" of the events on 9|11 that is blatantly a propaganda film for the Bush re-election. Now here's the catch...Timothy Bottoms is playing Bush...the same actor who played him on the cancelled Comedy Central series That's My Bush!
I really am surprised that the media has sunk this low. And I'm speaking of the conservative media...not liberal media.
"This is the story of DC 9/11. Screenwriter and co-executive producer Lionel Chetwynd had access to top officials and staffers, including Bush, Fleischer, Card, Rove, and Donald Rumsfeld?all of whom are played by look-alike actors in the movie (as are Cheney, Rice, John Ashcroft, Karen Hughes, Colin Powell, George Tenet, and Paul Wolfowitz). The script was subsequently vetted by right-wing pundits Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer, and Morton Kondracke. Chetwynd, whose vita includes such politically charged movies and telefilms as The Hanoi Hilton, The Heroes of Desert Storm, The Siege at Ruby Ridge, Kissinger and Nixon, and Varian's War, is a prominent Hollywood conservative?a veteran of the 1980 Reagan campaign who, after Bill Clinton's election 12 years later, was recruited by right-wing pop culture ideologue David Horowitz to set up the Wednesday Morning Club ("a platform in the entertainment community where a Henry Hyde can come and get a warm welcome and respectful hearing," as Chetwynd later told The Nation)."
Another interesting point is the account of JFK screening the actor's screen tests in the pre-production of the "factual" account of his experiences in WWII (PT-109). Choosing a decade older actor (Cliff Robertson) over Peter Fonda (who's dad Henry, had narrated a 1960 Kennedy campaign film) because he looked more "presidential".
And who can forget (or remember for that matter) John Travolta as a Clinton-esque character in ''Primary Colors''...gag (pun intended).
What was Bush's response to Tim Bottoms? "Hell, he sure was funny as me in the other TV show...Pick him!"
Another excerpt:
"The turgid DC 9/11 would doubtless have been more entertaining with Harrison Ford or Arnold Schwarzenegger or even Ronald Reagan in the role of the president. DC 9/11 is instead the spectacle of Reagan in reverse: Rather than being a professional actor who entered politics, Bush is a politician who has been reconfigured, packaged, and sold as a media star?dialogue included. Indeed, that metamorphosis is the movie's true subject. "
This this is what 9|11 has become and what all (right and left) media pundits believe we are (naive sheep)...quite sad. Too bad Showtime couldn't resurrect Leni Riefenstahl to direct this one...
Seems that Showtime will air a "docudrama" of the events on 9|11 that is blatantly a propaganda film for the Bush re-election. Now here's the catch...Timothy Bottoms is playing Bush...the same actor who played him on the cancelled Comedy Central series That's My Bush!
I really am surprised that the media has sunk this low. And I'm speaking of the conservative media...not liberal media.
"This is the story of DC 9/11. Screenwriter and co-executive producer Lionel Chetwynd had access to top officials and staffers, including Bush, Fleischer, Card, Rove, and Donald Rumsfeld?all of whom are played by look-alike actors in the movie (as are Cheney, Rice, John Ashcroft, Karen Hughes, Colin Powell, George Tenet, and Paul Wolfowitz). The script was subsequently vetted by right-wing pundits Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer, and Morton Kondracke. Chetwynd, whose vita includes such politically charged movies and telefilms as The Hanoi Hilton, The Heroes of Desert Storm, The Siege at Ruby Ridge, Kissinger and Nixon, and Varian's War, is a prominent Hollywood conservative?a veteran of the 1980 Reagan campaign who, after Bill Clinton's election 12 years later, was recruited by right-wing pop culture ideologue David Horowitz to set up the Wednesday Morning Club ("a platform in the entertainment community where a Henry Hyde can come and get a warm welcome and respectful hearing," as Chetwynd later told The Nation)."
Another interesting point is the account of JFK screening the actor's screen tests in the pre-production of the "factual" account of his experiences in WWII (PT-109). Choosing a decade older actor (Cliff Robertson) over Peter Fonda (who's dad Henry, had narrated a 1960 Kennedy campaign film) because he looked more "presidential".
And who can forget (or remember for that matter) John Travolta as a Clinton-esque character in ''Primary Colors''...gag (pun intended).
What was Bush's response to Tim Bottoms? "Hell, he sure was funny as me in the other TV show...Pick him!"
Another excerpt:
"The turgid DC 9/11 would doubtless have been more entertaining with Harrison Ford or Arnold Schwarzenegger or even Ronald Reagan in the role of the president. DC 9/11 is instead the spectacle of Reagan in reverse: Rather than being a professional actor who entered politics, Bush is a politician who has been reconfigured, packaged, and sold as a media star?dialogue included. Indeed, that metamorphosis is the movie's true subject. "
This this is what 9|11 has become and what all (right and left) media pundits believe we are (naive sheep)...quite sad. Too bad Showtime couldn't resurrect Leni Riefenstahl to direct this one...
or is it that the film has an ideological bent? Yeah, that's rare.
Looks like a crap film, but somehow i doubt it will change the world.
Originally posted by mrmister
What part of this is so terrible? Shotime is making a bad film--this is somehow unusual?
or is it that the film has an ideological bent? Yeah, that's rare.
Looks like a crap film, but somehow i doubt it will change the world.
Sure. But how come is it that I expected this to happen? That is what's terrible. I only hope (as you) that it doesn't become their highest rated "docudramas"...I mean...really...wasn't Showtime basically a soft-porn cable movie channel?