Bar Code Pro Battles Illustrator 10

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Okay, I am having a huge problem here at work creating bar codes. My company purchased 5 licenses or so of the OS9 version of bar code pro and it worked fine for about 5 months. Now, all of the sudden, when we try to open the barcodes in Illustrator 10, 10 crashes and disappears or the document is blank?

I've reinstalled both programs and messed around with the OCR fonts but no luck!

This exact problem exists on like three machines now.



  • Reply 1 of 2
    I'll ask the obvious, is Illustrator updated to 10.0.3?

    If not, do so as there were many fixes.
  • Reply 2 of 2

    Originally posted by JimDreamworx

    I'll ask the obvious, is Illustrator updated to 10.0.3?

    If not, do so as there were many fixes.

    Yeppers, fully updated. I called BarCode Pro and they said to just place the image and uncheck links so that it would be vector so that is what I did and it worked. It's just weird that you can't open the bar code files
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