safari issues--scroll

in Mac Software edited January 2014
safari scroll buttons don't work, but i can slide the bar up and down, what gives, also if a website doesn't work or others how do i let apple know?

iMac dv400 10.2.6 640ram


  • Reply 1 of 2
    Look for the report a bug... It should be under one of the menus. I know I still have the bug button on my toolbar so I never paid much attention to the menus.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by NOFEER

    safari scroll buttons don't work, but i can slide the bar up and down, what gives, also if a website doesn't work or others how do i let apple know?

    iMac dv400 10.2.6 640ram

    view menu/bug, click it, then report the error with as much info as you can provide, and go ahead and have safari send a screenshot and sourcecode while it's at it.

    as far as the scroll buttons not working, have you tried just logging out and then back in or restarting? i occasionally find quartz goes wonky on older video hardware such as yours (i used to own an imac dv 400 as well), and sometimes a good ol' restart fixes up everything.
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