OS 9.1 / Partition question

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I just was given a free powermac 8600/200 (now I own two of this model) and it has a 20GB HD on it. There is approx 1.9GB of data and apps and the remaining 18.1GB is free. The HD is not partitioned.

Can I partition this drive without losing any data? In other words, If I choose a partion of 5GB and leave the rest alone, will I write over or lose any existing apps?

(I don't have any way of backing up the data on it)

Thanks in advance to all who answer.


  • Reply 1 of 1
    Go grab the latest and greatest Gentoo PPC Live CD. It should have an app called mac-partd (IIRC) that can non-destructively repartition your drive. Back up important data and read the man page for mac-partd.

    If this post made absolutely no sense, then the answer is 'no'.
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