Israel : Mother of All Modern Terrorism

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I've just finished watching a very interesting documentary that suggests that the roots of all modern terrorism began in Israel.

Specifically, it claimed that the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 by members of " Irgun " a self proclaimed Israeli zionist group, marks the very first " terrorist act " as we know it in a contempory sense.

91 people were killed ( mainly innocent civilians ) when members of Irgun ( run by Manachem Begin ) planted a dozen or so milk churns filled with explosives in the basement kitchen of the hotel.

The " success " of this act, not only pushed the British out of Isreal, but laid the foundations for similar actions from the Palestinians.

Numerous interviews with retired Israeli & Palestinian fighters from the fifties, all agreed that it was the bombing of the King David Hotel that gave them the idea to copy the techniques.

In effect Israel had set in train the model of the sort of terrorism that most of the world deplores.

It is a model that has also been learnt by many other " terrorist " organisations across the world..and it is a model of wanton destruction that I for one deplore..regardless of cause..

This was a very interesting " History " lesson for me.


  • Reply 1 of 60
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    Yeah interesting. But I don´t hope this get attached to the onoing I/P discussion here. Wat happened happened but its happened 60 years ago.
  • Reply 2 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Anders

    Yeah interesting. But I don´t hope this get attached to the onoing I/P discussion here. Wat happened happened but its happened 60 years ago.

    Rolling the ball......Just rolling the ball........
  • Reply 3 of 60
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I guess it depends on where you start your stopwatch. Someone with more information than the three of us could pull some earlier terrorist act out of their hat.
  • Reply 4 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Scott

    I guess it depends on where you start your stopwatch. Someone with more information than the three of us could pull some earlier terrorist act out of their hat.

    Maybe Giant ?...or Emmanuel Goldstein...?

    Actually, I wish I had put a " ? " on the end of this post's Title.

    The documentary was good, but subjective. It all depends on the definition of what constitutes an act of terrorism .
  • Reply 5 of 60
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    I doubt gaint can add anything to this discussion.
  • Reply 6 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Scott

    I doubt gaint can add anything to this discussion.

    Man I can see the scorch marks from the other side of the planet...
  • Reply 7 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Actually Israel also invented hijacking.

    In December 1954 a Syrian civilian airliner was captured by Israeli military aircraft to obtain hostages for exchange with Israeli soldiers who had been captured within Syria. The Prime Minister of Israel, Moshe Sharett, states in his diary that he was informed by the State Department that ?our action was without precedent in the history of international practice.?.

    He was right - it hadn't happened before. They invented it. So that's 2 on the chalkboard - terrorism and hijacking. Anyone got number three for the full set ?

    Some claim that Israel invented Israel..but that would be a bit like going back before you were born and inventing yourself...
  • Reply 8 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by segovius

    I don't need to invent myself aqua (or reinvent myself). I get born-again on a daily basis when I'm rebranded as whatever the forum's stout defenders of truth, justice and the Amerikan way decide is the label de jour.

    It should happen again any minute now. Actually it's a tad overdue, but then again it's a bit like the #99 bus from Clapham Common - never there when you want it but when you don't you get three at once.

    We have the same problem here.

    It must be a universal phenomena..

    Buses are meant to be 10 minutes apart..

    Only the drivers mostly can't read a watch...

    or they seem to fall into some mysterious time warp hole that makes them all appear at the same time, with half an hour gaps in between...

    And we thought we knew everything about space~time dilation\
  • Reply 9 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by segovius

    Actually it's funny you should mention that because this phenomena was first officially recorded in Tel Aviv.....

    Mind you , they did model their drivers unions on those from Britannia....

    Ps: Joke in poor taste

    Q. How do you distinguish a jewish terrorist getting on a bus from a palestinian terrorist getting on a bus..

    A. The palestinian actually buys a ticket...
  • Reply 10 of 60
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    Mind you , they did model their drivers unions on those from Britannia....

    Ps: Joke in poor taste

    Q. How do you distinguish a jewish terrorist getting on a bus from a palestinian terrorist getting on a bus..

    A. The palestinian actually buys a ticket...

    Yes it's very bad taste, and it destroy the legitimacy of your post
  • Reply 11 of 60
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    Mind you , they did model their drivers unions on those from Britannia....

    Ps: Joke in poor taste

    Your joke is racist. Beyond the pale.

    Until that point you had Scott doing his usual "Israel can do no wrong" shtick and ad-homs (that went unpunished for some reason).

    You managed to out-twat Scott ...
  • Reply 12 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    Like i said..poor taste...

    but racist..I don't think so..

    Besides which whom do you think I was being racist against..the Jews ?...The Israelis ? , the Palestinians ?...the British ?


    in your case Harald..since you chose to highlight them......the Bus Drivers ?

    So While your pondering exactly why my "joke" was racist & against whom..let me say, I find it typical that some of you rattle with indignation over a joke but don't bat an eyelid when innocent Israelis are killed...

    But killing Israelis isn't to be classed a racism is it ?

    PS :

    What's this about even handeness and wanting to have Scott punished for supporting Israel..?

    Your so full of it & you don't even know it...

  • Reply 13 of 60
    haraldharald Posts: 2,152member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    Like i said..poor taste...

    but racist..I don't think so..:

    What's the difference?

    My bad editing, didn't want to repeat the gag. I was upset about the "jews are tight fisted" gag ... not the bus drivers.

    Anyway, don't want to get into a slagging match with you. Apologies for the possibly over-harsh tone; posting in anger.
  • Reply 14 of 60
    I would regard the Fenians as the mothers of terrorism with their bombing campaign in London between 1883 -1885. I don't think that they were Jewish, but I expect someone will find a way to disprove this. Also had the Gunpowder plot of 1605 worked I think that would be considered the start of it all.

    Now back to the off-topic stuff.
  • Reply 15 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Harald

    What's the difference?

    My bad editing, didn't want to repeat the gag. I was upset about the "jews are tight fisted" gag ... not the bus drivers.

    Anyway, don't want to get into a slagging match with you. Apologies for the possibly over-harsh tone; posting in anger.

    Apology accepted Harald..I never meant for it to viewed like that.. If others had read it in the context of the previous posts they would have seen Sedge & I were just indulging in some very light hearted banter...

    Ps please accept my apology if I caused offence..even if unintended..
  • Reply 16 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Alex London

    I would regard the Fenians as the mothers of terrorism with their bombing campaign in London between 1883 -1885. I don't think that they were Jewish, but I'm expect someone will find a way to disprove this. Also had the Gunpowder plot of 1605 worked I think that would be considered the start of it all.

    Now back to the off-topic stuff.

    Actually you also remind me of the " Thugees " who terrorised parts of India throughout the early 19th century...Sneaking up to unsuspecting people and choking them to death...apparently the " thugees " were a religious sect arising from an Islam ? i can't fully remember..must Google..
  • Reply 17 of 60
    Aquafire, putting my post in bold helped me to see the glaring typo, which I've fixed in the original-ta very much mate. As a reward heres a link to your band of thugs.lets go a-strangling
  • Reply 18 of 60
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Alex London

    Aquafire, putting my post in bold helped me to see the glaring typo, which I've fixed in the original-ta very much mate. As a reward heres a link to your band of thugs.lets go a-strangling

    Wow..& who ever created that page makes it sound like the thugeess are still active...creepy..indeed...
  • Reply 19 of 60
    The undisputed inventor of modern terrorism was an 11th century Iranian man called Hassan ibn Sabbah who lived in a fortress called Al-Amut in the mountains of the north. ('Iran' predates 'Persia', by the way). Suicide attacks, indoctrination, the whole nine yards. He was the leader of the 'Assassins' ('Hashishayun, 'hash eaters', or more likely the archaic Farsi for 'followers of Hassan') and he was probably a complete bastard.

    His martyrs expected kohl-eyed houris (ie fine, eager-to-please women) in paradisical gardens. He was an Ismaeli, a member of a spiritually-inclined Islamic sect, and dedicated to killing Caliphs and Viziers and ending the corrupt Iranian caliphate for good / power-crazed, evil fundamentalist arse.

    He was a bit of an anarchist. He was reputed to have a colossal library. He was reputed to have been able to activate his undercover assassins by the power of song: they would stop cooking, leave the palace kitchen with a large curved sword and head for the throne room with murder on their minds. Apparently he had assassins as far away as France.

    Among the axioms attributed to Hassan ibn Sabbah is "Nothing is real. Everything is permitted" (or "nothing is true" depending on which dodgy website you visit), a phrase to do with using the power of imagination and will to change the world. Apparently.
  • Reply 20 of 60

    Originally posted by segovius

    Firstly, there is a huge mount of doubt that Hasan I Sabah was actually the


    to the undermining of a much stronger society by a minority group. The assassinations of Hasan I Sabah (if they occurred) do not fit this category imo.


    I agree.
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