Slow printing in OS X - sometimes hours - WHY?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Can anyone tell me why in the world some of my print jobs take SOOOO LONG to print? Most things print pretty quick - within a few seconds, and then once in a while I'll come across a webpage or a PDF that will take hours before it actually spits out of the printer.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.2.6 on a 12" Powerbook with 640MB RAM, printing directly to an HP LaserJet 1200 via USB cable.

Yesterday I tried to print a webpage from Safari. The page was about two pages, and very basic, a couple small graphics, a few tables, nothin major, mostly just text. I tried printing directly from Safari in the morning, came back 4 or 5 hours later and it still hadn't printed. The green light on the printer was still blinking as is normal when receiving a print job. Anyway, it had been so long and I had to take my powerbook somewhere else so I just said heck with it and unplugged the printer effectively canceling the print job which I started hours earlier.

So, later I came back to the same page in Safari, went to the print dialog and told it to save as PDF. Then I opened it in Adobe Reader 6.0 and tried to print if from there as a PDF. It finally printed the first page after about 4 hours.

Then I had an idea to select and copy the text straight off of the webpage, paste it into MS Word, and print from there. It worked fine. Printed from word in about 5 seconds, which is normal.

Anyone have this problem? I just don't get it. I know the laser printer has only 8MB of RAM but the file I was trying to print was only a few KB.

I can print a 40MB image just fine in a couple minutes, but certain other things just don't print at all or they take hours before printing.

Is this a problem with OS X, the printer drivers, or the printer itself? I had the same problem with my previous laser printer, so I'm convinced it's some problem in OS X.



  • Reply 1 of 4
    Select the Dont-Be-Slow checkbox in the print dialog box. It will increase your print output from 1 bit at 12 hertz to full speed.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    /me dropkicks thread to the Genius Bar.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    I have the same problem on me G4 tower.

    Open up the print centre and see if the job has been stopped, if it hasnt try stopping it manually and then restarting it. Sometimes works for me.

    I should note that this only starting happening to me when i did a remote print from another comp. Just one of those bugs i guess.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    Well, I find Reader 6 to be un-Godly slow for anything and nothing much is in 6 format so I use 5 still. Anyway, printing for Reader at any time always take an overly long time to spool so I print PDFs from Preview.

    I would go with cybermonkey and stop/start it. And check your drivers.

    I don't know that printer so I can't say much else but the basics.
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