Return PB after Paris

in General Discussion edited January 2014
My order for a 12" powerbook shipped 9/4 from Taiwan and should be delivered 9/8. If new 12" powerbooks are announced in Paris, what is the policy on returns? It seems, at least, as of the 4th the 12" was still being made, which is interesting if new ones will be announced on the 16th


  • Reply 1 of 1
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    Ooh, tough luck. If only it had shipped two days later. Apple has a ten-day refund policy. And no, twelve days won't cut it; I'm proof (new PBG4's were announced twelve days after my 800MHz Ti shipped -- and they're still the same damn PowerBooks we're seeing now). Oh well, it's no big deal. The 12-incher is great as it is.
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