iBook Fault

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
My iBook has this nasty habit or intermittently making an audible ticking noise. It sounds like it come from the speakers, but it still happens when 'Mute' is on. It doesn't always do it, but its INCREDIBLY iirtating. I phoned Apple and they asked me to take it to my nearest dealer before they arrange to collect it, to check it isn't a hard drive issue. The dealer has taken it in and kept saying how from what I described it sounded like just a normal noise. I have have had several Macs. My family now has two iMacs and a Powerbook. No mac I have ever had has made this noise. If it is coming from the hard drive there must be a fault with it. How can I get them to do soemthing about it? Bearing in mind that as its intermittent I can't just switch the machine on and say 'There you go!'?



  • Reply 1 of 7
    Chasing this thread like a dog with a tail...

    Is it occurring when your HD goes to sleep?

    Plug in some headphones to isolate the speakers as well.

    Lastly (or firstly) try a search on clicking sounds as this problem is not an isolated incident. I have never had the problem but have heard of it before.
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  • Reply 2 of 7

    Originally posted by jwri004

    Chasing this thread like a dog with a tail...

    Is it occurring when your HD goes to sleep?

    Plug in some headphones to isolate the speakers as well.

    Lastly (or firstly) try a search on clicking sounds as this problem is not an isolated incident. I have never had the problem but have heard of it before.

    I can't be certain, I must admit that I had noticed that its more likely to happen when the HD is NOT being accessed, and then carries on even when you do access it ... but I can't be certain. I've tried really hard to find a pattern or something that sets it off, but nothing really seems obvious.

    Thanks for the suggestion of the search, I'll try that - I'm pleased its not just me because Apple UK and our nearest dealer seemed to treat me like some lunatic when I complained of a 'ticking sound', but it is unbelieveably annoying!
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  • Reply 3 of 7
    it sounds to me, from what you've described as a static burst over the speakers, which can occur even if they're muted.

    i'd second the suggestion to plug in headphones and see if it goes away. any static would be routed to them rather than the external speakers.
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  • Reply 4 of 7
    There was a problem with the 10.2.4 version of Jaguar that caused some people with iBooks to experience ticking sounds like you're describing. I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but it was supposedly fixed in either the 10.2.5 or 10.2.6 update, so if you're running Jag make sure you've updated to the latest version.
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  • Reply 5 of 7

    Originally posted by spike

    There was a problem with the 10.2.4 version of Jaguar that caused some people with iBooks to experience ticking sounds like you're describing. I'm not sure exactly what the problem was, but it was supposedly fixed in either the 10.2.5 or 10.2.6 update, so if you're running Jag make sure you've updated to the latest version.

    You're absolutely right, the problem only started when I installed the 10.2.4 update. However, since then I've updated to .5 and .6 and its stilla problem!
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  • Reply 6 of 7
    Ok, well to carry on from my original post -Apple were only prepared to collect if an Authorised Dealer verified it wasn't a fault of the hard drive. They said they'd need it for 10 days (!!!!) so I took the other option of formatting my hard drive and reinstalling everything. I decided to do this after somebody helpfully said that it there 10.2.4 had caused this problem with some iBooks.

    Well, I did this and then obviously had to reinstall all the system updates. I got them on disc as I only have a 56k internet connection. My iBook completely froze midway through installing the 10.2.6combi update. I had to restart and I got this error message everytime (with the grey background in which the Apple is normally on) telling me to restart, I decided that forcing a restart midways through a system update was bad - therefore I did a clean install again. Once the install had finished and the "Welcome" screen appeared the music which accompanies went really funny. The sounds on the system seem fine, but it couldn't handle the music for the welcome information section. (Somebody else on these boards had talked about a static boost on the speakers).

    I'm just wondering if I should be worried that with all of these things going on whether its not just evidence of a greater problem, or whether things that should get better from here?


    P.S. Having done the clean installmy hard drive isnow called '/'.I've repeatedly typed it as 'Macintosh HD', but after every restart it is back as '/', how do I rectify this?
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    For solution to one type of ticking sound (from speakers), see

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