There is a mod board. You just can't see it because you're not a moderator.
Have a moderator take a picture of what they see when they load They get that nice "Moderators" board where they get to talk about all sorts of top-secret stuff behind our backs!
They also have a secret camera one pixel by one pixel across that sits randomly on your screen taking mpegs of you playing with your nose or some other organic protrusion.
Basically, we create new forums when a subject threatens to overwhelm an existing one. Right now, threads about modding Macs are not threatening to overwhelm much of anything here.
If you'd like to, by all means post mods to Current Hardware (or General Discussion if they're not Macs). Or check out the MacNN Forums, which do have a modding forum.
Yeah, and its traffic levels confirmed my suspicion that Macs don't get many games because their aren't many Mac gamers - even relative to the number of Mac users.
If we see a sudden and sustained upsurge of gaming threads in Software, we'll create a Gaming forum. But the need has to be there. As it is, IMO, we have a dangerously large number of forums relative to our posting traffic.
Have a moderator take a picture of what they see when they load They get that nice "Moderators" board where they get to talk about all sorts of top-secret stuff behind our backs!
These they sell to the highest bidder...
Originally posted by oldmacfan
Could we have a mod board.
It could be a nice place to keep all those hacks seperate from the other boards.
We're not ALL old hacks.
OK, you round up links for all of the modification threads that we have here, and we'll discuss it.
Basically, we create new forums when a subject threatens to overwhelm an existing one. Right now, threads about modding Macs are not threatening to overwhelm much of anything here.
If you'd like to, by all means post mods to Current Hardware (or General Discussion if they're not Macs). Or check out the MacNN Forums, which do have a modding forum.
I didn't that would generate such a response.
I'll go cower in the corner now.
Originally posted by Brad
Well, seeing as there are practically zero threads to date about "modding" Macs here at AppleInsider, I hardy think this warrants its own forum.
Hey, I mod my Macs. I tried to post some pics but I mostly got negative feedback.
I already have a mod for my G5 when it arrives. I will post it ... somewhere.
Originally posted by CubeDude
I miss Fireside Chat.
i dont, just brought my blood pressure up, i could not go in there
didnt we once have a Games forum? geez.....
Originally posted by Nebagakid
didnt we once have a Games forum? geez.....
Yeah, and its traffic levels confirmed my suspicion that Macs don't get many games because their aren't many Mac gamers - even relative to the number of Mac users.
If we see a sudden and sustained upsurge of gaming threads in Software, we'll create a Gaming forum. But the need has to be there. As it is, IMO, we have a dangerously large number of forums relative to our posting traffic.