multi-monitor setup ideas

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I've got a dual g5 with a 9600 on the way, and I've been lucky enough to have aquired a couple of decent crts in recent years. I'm going to run a 19" at 1600x1200 and a 15" at 1024x768. I'll have the 19 directly in front of me, and keep the 15 inch to the side.

What hardware setups do y'all have, and which apps/windows do you put on each monitor?

Also, a couple of more general display questions: [1]What do you think is the ideal distance from the screen to one's eyes? [2]What determines the max refresh rate, the display or the card? (right now I'm running the 19 at 1600x1200@75hz and that's about as slow as I want it... I'm hoping that I can at least run 85hz with the 9600... but maybe I am limited by the display itself).


  • Reply 1 of 14
    With Photoshop and Illustrator I keep palettes on a separate monitor. I also keep iTunes on a separate display, as well as any other little windows.

    The monitor refresh rate is determined by both the display and the video card; they each support certain refresh rates. The OS will give you a list, best to stick to the recommended ones.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    I have a 3 monitor setup on a dual 867 MDD. I use a 17inch crt as me main viewer, which i run dvd player on and photoshop, next up is me formac 17inch lcd hooked up on the adc port which sees safari, dreamweaver and anything else that needs a big view, then finally and not so smart aoc 15inch lcd which stands above the formac which i use for system monitors like processor activity and net traffic.
  • Reply 3 of 14

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    I have a 3 monitor setup on a dual 867 MDD. I use a 17inch crt as me main viewer, which i run dvd player on and photoshop, next up is me formac 17inch lcd hooked up on the adc port which sees safari, dreamweaver and anything else that needs a big view, then finally and not so smart aoc 15inch lcd which stands above the formac which i use for system monitors like processor activity and net traffic.

    Which screen is connected to which card?
  • Reply 4 of 14
    me crt and formac are on a ati 9000pro while the 15 inch is on a ati 7000.
  • Reply 5 of 14
    This comp store near where I live is selling ati 7000 PCI for $45 CND each... there the kind that can be flashed. I would like to build a multi monitor system but I need a PCI Mac... my iMac is upgrade challenged.
  • Reply 6 of 14
    right now id gladly swap me duals for an imac, id miss the upgrade options but the noise from these fans is doin me head in. Even with the replacement psu and fan. But what makes matters worse is my dad has the dual 1.25gig MDD and his is very quiet and then he moans when the fans admit a faint whir when there at full speed!! One of these days im just going to pinch his fan and when he notices the noise increase ill just get him to call in his applecare
  • Reply 7 of 14
    Right... rip off your dad to improve your life and watch his hair get pulled out when he calls AppleCare.

    You had an odd childhood, yes?
  • Reply 8 of 14

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    but the noise from these fans is doin me head in. Even with the replacement psu and fan.

    I'm on the verge veraxing my MDD.
  • Reply 9 of 14

    Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes

    This comp store near where I live is selling ati 7000 PCI for $45 CND each... there the kind that can be flashed. I would like to build a multi monitor system but I need a PCI Mac... my iMac is upgrade challenged.

    NOPE! Many iMacs let you plug in an external display. Use a hack availiable on the 'net. I do it on my iBook.
  • Reply 10 of 14
    on the left 21" i run my chat windows. on the center 21" i run all of my web browser stuff. on the right 21" i run any p2p apps i might be using.

    the far right 24" is used for TV/movies i might be watching.

    i got a deal on them.
  • Reply 11 of 14

    Originally posted by ryaxnb

    NOPE! Many iMacs let you plug in an external display. Use a hack availiable on the 'net. I do it on my iBook.

    Well not my iMac... it is slot-loading but the vga out is not there... only sodder points on the PCB.

    But there is a way to "extend" your desktop to an external monitor using the "mirroring" vga out on slot-loading iMacs.
  • Reply 12 of 14

    Originally posted by alcimedes

    on the left 21" i run my chat windows. on the center 21" i run all of my web browser stuff. on the right 21" i run any p2p apps i might be using.

    the far right 24" is used for TV/movies i might be watching.

    i got a deal on them.

    whoa! what resoltions do you run on those babies? I'd be interested to see a photo of your setup. I'm currently using a door on top of two sawhorses as a desk... heh heh
  • Reply 13 of 14

    Originally posted by johnjosephbachir

    whoa! what resoltions do you run on those babies? I'd be interested to see a photo of your setup. I'm currently using a door on top of two sawhorses as a desk... heh heh

    The ultimate diy enthusiasts desk!!

    With a bit of marketing you'd make a fortune on the net
  • Reply 14 of 14

    Originally posted by cybermonkey

    The ultimate diy enthusiasts desk!!

    With a bit of marketing you'd make a fortune on the net

    I have one of those as well. I even made the sawhorses. Looks like arse but does the job.
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