Are You Worthy?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Anyone Feel Unworthy Of Their Mac?

Well... I was thinking- (in the bath. All my best ideas/most interesting musings come to me when I'm in the bath - or just about to fall asleep- ahem...)-"I wonder if it has crossed anyone's mind that their Mac is SO elegant and beautiful, SO well designed, SO effortless and fast and SO delectable to use that, well, its too good for them? Now, before you say "Err.. No. Loser" let me briefly elaborate...

It occurred to me (during said bath) that my PB (when it arrives) might look a tad out of place: I don't think "interior design" existed when our house was decorated. Brown and beige and wood and wallpaper don't really go with "sleek anodised aluminium". I can't truly imagine using my new PB on a grotty Colchester to London, Liverpool Street Intercity (train) with its ripped seats and faint smell of urine...

Ah- think of it like this: "Is, maybe, me owning a PB like me owning a Porsche Boxter?" Does it imply something about the amount of money I have? My idea of style/fashion? Or that I am part of a clique? And does it demand of me a certain level of "respect"? Should I be expected to dress well when seen with my Porsche/Apple PB...?

(He, He. I even laughed when I read that. He, He) ...

Is there an image I'm living up to? And if I don't check all the boxes, am I unworthy?

(Sh*t, I'm Carrie Bradshaw )

No, Really. I'm trying to be serious. The above randomness applies more to one's personal relationship with material possessions and less with Apple in particular, but the question is still valid. And of course there's marketing, peer-pressure, identity and esteem issues to think about...

...If you can be bothered.

Penny for your thoughts?

[editted so ast3r3x can read it]


  • Reply 1 of 8
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Somehow your posting style. The way you formatted your text messes with me. It took me like 5 min to read all of that. You have no idea how hard it was for me to stay concentrated on it.
  • Reply 2 of 8

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Somehow your posting style. The way you formatted your text messes with me. It took me like 5 min to read all of that. You have no idea how hard it was for me to stay concentrated on it.

    at least you got to the end....not me
  • Reply 3 of 8
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    at least you got to the end....not me

    Well I didn't retain any of it. I have no idea why but just something about renders my reading abilities useless!
  • Reply 4 of 8
    I am a huge admirer of my 12inch Powerbook, 15inchTiBook, My G5 and my wife's new iBook. I have compared them to my favorite toy which is my BMW. Precision in build and performance is something that can be appreciated. I could easily see these devices being made in a factory in Germany instead of by a bunch of Hippies in California!
  • Reply 5 of 8
    Yes. I've suffered many years using Windows and Linux (still using Windows when I have to and when fixing my fiancee's computer) and I've earned a nice, easy, predictable and POWERFUL platform to work and play on.

    You worry about taking out your pb on the train? Half the members here use their laptops on the john. Not me though.... er.... ok, nevermind.
  • Reply 6 of 8 YOU see someone on a train that smells like piss with an Apple laptop as someone trying to make some kind of status statement?
  • Reply 7 of 8

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    at least you got to the end....

    Why didn't you read it to the end? Even if you disagreed completely with what I was suggesting, you could have told everyone your point-of-view.

  • Reply 8 of 8
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by SonOfSylvanus

    Why didn't you read it to the end? Even if you disagreed completely with what I was suggesting, you could have told everyone your point-of-view.


    I couldn't make it to the end. Sorry, my fault. I think the stream of consciousness writing style is what got me. Somehow I lost the will to continue reading. By chance, you aren't a political speech writer?


    I tried reading from the bottom up, but that didn't work either. Then again, i'm an engineer and a Dell user, so I guess I have my preferences over how information should be communicated and my own problems to deal with.
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