Why new iMac MUST be G4

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
posted 12-22-2001 06:56 PM Â*Â*Â* Â*Â* Â* Â* Â* Â*Â*


OK, I'd also like to qualify my earlier predictions...

Unfortunately with AI off for so long I can't refer back to my earliest post about my use of Macs then PCs and a return to Macs. However, I'd like to explain why I think Apple HAVE to release G4s and G5s at MWSF. Apple are already in trouble with investors because of raising expectations (unrealistically?) about Cube sales and they will repeat the same mistake if they're not careful. This is how I see it, if the new iMac is released with an LCD but still a G3, then so what? I'm sure the new iMac is the revolutionary new product and if it isn't, there's nothing REALLY that special about a G3 iMac with and LCD. I realise it will look fanstastic, its a Mac after all, but revolutionary? Enough to boost flagging iMac sales in the long term? Personally (as someone ready to buy a new iMac) I don't care if its G3 or G4 - what I do want is a widescreen system and a superdrive but in an all-in-one system. However, to make this revised iMac sell it needs a G4, otherwise Apple's value will plummet, because the market is expecting it to produce a big jump in the whole iMac concept. Therefore, if the new iMac is G4 then the PowerMac MUST got G5, because I don't think Apple will release a G4 iMac slower than its G3 predecessor, but equally, I don't think the G4 will be fast enough for there to be a big enough differential between the PowerMac and iMac line if they both have G4s. This would not be a cocnern with the G5s, even if the top end iMac and bottom end iMac ran at the same Mhz (only, obviously, one at G4 the other at G5).

Being cynical (nee realistic) I probably agree with many of you who are going to say that there WON'T be G4 iMacs, let alone G5 systems. However, I'm simply stating that from an economic point of view (which I DO know about - I'm not as knowledgable as many of you on Macs, I'll admit - I just know more than the average user, thats all!) Apple need the new iMac to be a leap and that means leaving the G3.


  • Reply 1 of 30
    Investers/stockholders don't care what Apple does as long as it makes a profit.

    Apple is expected to make a profit for the coming quarter.

    You point is moot.

    [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Codename ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 30
    [quote]Originally posted by Codename:

    <strong>Investers/stockholders don't care what Apple does as long as it makes a profit.

    Apple is expected to make a profit for the coming quarter.

    You point is moot.

    [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Codename ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Rubbish. The stock MARKET is expecting big news from Apple, its share price has increased as a result of this 'revolutionary consumer product'. If it just turns out ot be an iMac in a different case and not alot else I think we'll see Apple's share price take quite a dent. After all, if the new iMac is merely new case and a slight speed bump that tells of the iMacs future for this year at least - they're not gonna do a new case with G3 only to add a G4 in NY. This new iMac is crucial to Apple's share price and if Apple don't meet the expectations (which they have risen by their announcment) then the stock market will not be pleased.
  • Reply 3 of 30
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    [quote]Originally posted by mpw_amherst:


    Rubbish. The stock MARKET is expecting big news from Apple, its share price has increased as a result of this 'revolutionary consumer product'. If it just turns out ot be an iMac in a different case and not alot else I think we'll see Apple's share price take quite a dent. After all, if the new iMac is merely new case and a slight speed bump that tells of the iMacs future for this year at least - they're not gonna do a new case with G3 only to add a G4 in NY. This new iMac is crucial to Apple's share price and if Apple don't meet the expectations (which they have risen by their announcment) then the stock market will not be pleased.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, I'm not sure I agree there. Though, it is definitely time for a G4 iMac and a G5 PM. That would help Apple's stock price to be sure. But, if the iMac is a G3 I don't think it will hurt that much either...if that makes sense. Consumers in general don't really know the difference.....though the Mac faithful will and may buy stock as a result.

    Also, when referring to Apple, please understand that you should consider it in the SINGULAR when writing. It is a SINGLE company . The other way ("Apple are....") sounds dumb. Also, it would be "Apple HAS to release", not Apple "HAVE" to release......

    I'm sorry. I know my grammar isn't perfect, but your first post is really distracting. Let us both hope for G4's in the iMac and G5's in the PM.
  • Reply 4 of 30
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Apple's investors care about profit as much as any modern investor cares about profit -- only as much as it effects stock prices. The situation in all the stock market is beyond ridiculous if you're hoping to make money on dividends. Companies with $100+ per share prices routinely show loss, and or a pittance of a quarterly earning. Exec salaries have eaten most all profitablitiy. The only recourse for public share holders is to make money on speculation, you hope it'll be worth more when you sell it, cause for most small investors, the dividents don't amount to much at all. Periodic adjustments are good for the companies buying back, and all the implicit/tacit insider trading that goes on, but they generally mean the small investors, e-traders and their ilk, are fvcked, at least temporarily.

    Apple investors care about the brand. Apple's brand effects the stock price, and the brand depends on products. There is more pressure on Apple to deliver style and innovation than on any other tech company, because the identity of Apple hinges on it's products. Especially the iMac, without which Apple may have been dead, has a huge influence on investor ratings of the company. Other aspects like cash reserves, and inventory, retail store performance, and market share are all very important too. But don't kid yourself, new product launches are HUGE to Apple investors.
  • Reply 5 of 30
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Singular and plural? I do believe the convention is different for American and British standards.
  • Reply 6 of 30
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    Umm I'm not sure if this means anything and I'm sure it will mostly be ignored but... From someone in the know IBM does have a large number of Sahara (G3) CPUs on order from Apple for 2002... If the iMac **IS** going to go G4 then what the heck is Apple ordering G3's for?!?!?

  • Reply 7 of 30
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:


    Well, I'm not sure I agree there. Though, it is definitely time for a G4 iMac and a G5 PM. That would help Apple's stock price to be sure. But, if the iMac is a G3 I don't think it will hurt that much either...if that makes sense. Consumers in general don't really know the difference.....though the Mac faithful will and may buy stock as a result.

    Also, when referring to Apple, please understand that you should consider it in the SINGULAR when writing. It is a SINGLE company . The other way ("Apple are....") sounds dumb. Also, it would be "Apple HAS to release", not Apple "HAVE" to release......

    I'm sorry. I know my grammar isn't perfect, but your first post is really distracting. Let us both hope for G4's in the iMac and G5's in the PM.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This is particularly true if they put "Sahara" G3s at around 1 Ghz (although I don't know if they actually have them up that high yet).

    Also, I think it is correct to use the plural conjugation of verbs when the subject is a corporation, hence "Apple are" not "Apple is" (but don't quote me on that).
  • Reply 8 of 30
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    The main reason it should go G4 is because Steve promised that the SuperDrive would be included on the iMac in about a year. I think he was implying iDVD, too. That requires Altivec. If IBM added something like that to Sahara, as was rumored earlier, then I can see it remaining G3.
  • Reply 9 of 30
    All I want is for apple in increase market share by 5% each year.

    That way they doulbe thier share in the first year. That should raise the stock enough to split, and then split once more each year after that. In 5 years apple will have a 30% share of the market, and my stock which is worth about $700 now will be worth...about $12,000. Or something.

    I have to go to Florida now - My parents live there. If you live there, I'm sorry, but I really don't like the place.

  • Reply 10 of 30
    murkmurk Posts: 935member
    amidala, I hope your right. I'm sitting on a bunch of shares. If you are right, I might be able to afford a G6 in a few years.

    [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: murk ]</p>
  • Reply 11 of 30
    The large order for Sahara's from IBM-&gt; for the next revision iBooks, which will probably have G3s until next Fall.
  • Reply 12 of 30
    pookjppookjp Posts: 280member

    At the risk of sounding condesending, I must ask if you are new to the Apple rumoring scene. That's because I, too, once uesd logic like yours to predict future releases. And I was always wrong.

    Apple does not function according to the rules you have applied to them. They often make products that are seemingly less impressive than one would hope, but they do well all the same. Or sometimes they fail.

    - Pook
  • Reply 13 of 30
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by murk:

    <strong>The main reason it should go G4 is because Steve promised that the SuperDrive would be included on the iMac in about a year. I think he was implying iDVD, too. That requires Altivec. If IBM added something like that to Sahara, as was rumored earlier, then I can see it remaining G3.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    nothing about iDVD requires altivec
  • Reply 14 of 30
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    [quote]Originally posted by amidala:

    <strong>All I want is for apple in increase market share by 5% each year.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    That's roughly 50-70 million computers more each year. Ain't gonna happen.
  • Reply 15 of 30
    [quote] nothing about iDVD requires altivec<hr></blockquote>

    Doesn't the MPEG encoder rely heavily on altivec ? I had trouble installing DVD Studio Pro on a G3 because it would check for a G4 chip.

    [ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: super ]</p>
  • Reply 16 of 30
    I think it's all about what Apple's trying to achieve. Sometimes being "cheap" doesn't yield the most profit in the long term.

    When the original iMac came out, it wasn't all about the form factor, it had stuff even the professional PowerMacs didn't have, like USB. It had 10/100 ethernet which consumer computers didn't usually have at the time. Most importantly, it had a 233 Mhz G3, which was only marginally slower than the top of the line PowerMac of those days.

    If Apple wants to duplicate the success of the original iMac, they cannot do what they've been doing for the past few years and put yesterday's components in it.
  • Reply 17 of 30
    [quote]Originally posted by PookJP:


    At the risk of sounding condesending, I must ask if you are new to the Apple rumoring scene. That's because I, too, once uesd logic like yours to predict future releases. And I was always wrong.

    - Pook</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Not condescending don't worry! I've visited these boards for a while now but haven't often posted. I've already said that I bow to a greater knowledge of computers to many (if not all) of you. However, I do know something about the stock market and with Apple already in trouble for its projected iMac and Cube sales it can't make the same mistake again. It HAS to deliver on its promises to the market. Now they're already expecting a new iMac case. I think thats a given. I also agree with some earlier posts that a 1Ghz+ iMac would be 'revolutionary' (perhaps) but I don't belive that G4 speeds will be significantly above that for the market to be satisfied. A below 1Ghz G4 in an iMac, however, with G5 PowerMacs would satisfy the market's expectations and that is what Apple needs to do. That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying, by any means, that this means these machines WILL be released, merely that Apple's share price NEEDS these machines.
  • Reply 18 of 30
    what everyone seems to be overlooking, is that the difference between a G3 and a G4 in everyday applications is very little. The G4 is designed for pro multimedia creation and number-crunching.

    Does the average iMac demographic do that? Of course not.

    There are not enough apps that take advantage of the Altivec for the G4 to be introduced in the consumer line!

    A better course of action would be to release a G3.5 that had performance benefits across the board.

  • Reply 19 of 30
    The entire iMac idea is not revolutionary anymore, that being the case the iMac will still be aimed at the con/prosumer as a computer that does nearly everything at a low cost. I think the revolutionary aspect of it will be the Superdrive and G4 chip, which would rewrite the con/prosumer standard for chip speed and capability of chips in the industry.

    The product will be revolutionary because.

    * LCD Form Factor (VERY ELEGANT)

    *G4 Processor

    *Apple Superdrive and iDVD

  • Reply 20 of 30
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by preston:

    <strong>what everyone seems to be overlooking, is that the difference between a G3 and a G4 in everyday applications is very little. The G4 is designed for pro multimedia creation and number-crunching.

    Does the average iMac demographic do that? Of course not.

    There are not enough apps that take advantage of the Altivec for the G4 to be introduced in the consumer line!

    A better course of action would be to release a G3.5 that had performance benefits across the board.


    1.) OS X runs better on a G4.

    2.) the imac demographic doesn't crunch numbers? Forgive me but I thought imacs were made for Digital Video. Doesn't get much more number crunching intensive than compressing DV footage

    3.) OpenGL libraries are optimized for altivec and now games are beginning to come out with their own altivec improvement. Myth 3 is a perfect example.

    4.) the G3 is OLD. It's a joke that Apple still sells a chip without a SIMD unit. the G3 was meant to compete with the P2. Now its competing with the P4 and Athlon. Get the picture?
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