JBoss vs WebObjects

in macOS edited January 2014
Hi everyone,

I was wondering why Apple is including JBoss Server to deploy J2EE apps?

Can't I deploy J2EE apps with WebObjects? or is JBoss the best option?

I hope you can comment on it


  • Reply 1 of 3
    I'm not an expert on such matters but:

    I thought WO was based on J2SE rather than J2EE (i.e. Standard rather than Enterprise) so you can deploy WO on J2EE but there is more to it that WO doesn't cover.
  • Reply 2 of 3

    Originally posted by wiredconcept

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering why Apple is including JBoss Server to deploy J2EE apps?

    Can't I deploy J2EE apps with WebObjects? or is JBoss the best option?

    I hope you can comment on it

    WebObjects is not really a true J2EE server - it ships with some open source EJB tools but thats not its true strength. JBoss on the other hand is built from the ground up for J2EE with full support for container managed persistance, message driven beans, clustering and so forth. Its got some great features for fast deployment - drop a .ear or .war file into the deploy folder for hot deployment, no need for stub generation using a GUI like websphere or weblogic.

    In all JBoss is great for J2EE. WebObjects is great for WebObject development.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    It depends on the app you are building. Small apps are fast to whip up in JSP ( ignore all the ejb stuff ), nearly as easy as coldfusion or asp.

    If you are talking about real apps, then WebObjects sounds good, doing all the DB stuff by hand or in ejb's is tedious and error prone. Recent IDE's seek to improve the ejb situation.

    The biggest downfall of Webobjects is that it is a single vendor product.
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