The CIA's Secret Army...?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
As mentioned in the amazingly flaming topic on the leaks squirting out of the WH and the damages it may cause...whether true or not...

Someone in that thread mentioned that say, 95% of the CIA operatives are pencil-pushing mathmeticians...but what about the CIA's secret army reported in Time?

Even I have known that the CIA has militarily trained operatives going back to the Korean War and the Bay of Pigs through all the way to Gulf War I...and I distinctly remember bearded CIA ops shooting (and dying) their way through Afganistan (the prison revolt?). They definately may not be driving sportscars, wearing tuxedos and like their vodka martinis 'shaken, not stirred' but we do have gun-toting agents around the world's hot-spots.

So, I guess I'm just saying that now, after 9|11...there must have been a signifigant increase in the CIA's recruitment and use of military operatives...somebody clarify...because this Time magazine article costs about the same as a real copy of the magazine...


  • Reply 1 of 5
    Artman. You are well I trust.

    Don't know too much aboot the CIA but here's an article relating tae the shoot out you mentioned. From this it would be taken that the CIA were there in an interrogation role, but there will doubtless be mare here than meets the eye.

    (I sincerely hope this bluidy link works better than the last one I tried. If no' then paste intae browser. Cannae get the hang o' this bluidy technology at a'.)
  • Reply 2 of 5
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Artman, that kid doesn't know what he's talking about. He confusing analysts with operatives, and even that is an over simplification. The US has probably 100 intel systems.

    While it's true that 95% of what the CIA does is analyze open source info, all you have to do is look at Iraq and Afghanistan to see that there are many people on the ground.

    There are also many journalists, academics and diplomats in other countries working undercover for US intel services, as there are people working undercover in professional positions, as Plame was. I have seen her labeled and 'officer,' which indicates she may have been involved with recruiting agents.

    The kid only said what he said because his only contact with US intel services is 3rd hand from general comments made by his dad.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    Artman, the CIA Army is a secret! You're not supposed to mention u- um.. I mean them by name. Also whenever possible refer to u- THEM in the third person. Alpha Kappa Keggar Kilo Decka, natch? Zulu Tango Bacon Lettuce Tomato!

    noops on si ereht
  • Reply 4 of 5
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member

    Originally posted by Not Unlike Myself

    Zulu Tango Bacon Lettuce Tomato![/i]

    YUM. I'll order two! GOD BLESH AMERICA!

    Thanks Sir Mac o' the Isles for the link. But I distinctly remember from one video that one CIA Op blasting Afgani's into paradise...another pal of his did interrogate John Walker Lindh and was later killed in that said raid...pencils and paper aside...
  • Reply 5 of 5
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    I thought everyone knew about the CIA's paramilitary troops already: Columbia, Afghanistan in the 80's, Vietnam in the early 60's, etc. Sort of an open secret, isn't it?
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