If Steve jobs told you...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
if steve jobs told you he would grant ONE of your wishes for any apple product or peripheral, what would it be? obviously saying right now that you want a g6 doesnt count.... we're talking the near future...


  • Reply 1 of 80
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I wish for an 8" widescreen subnotebook that could run Palm OS and Panther and have a hinge screen that folds over the keyboard like the Clio of old so that it could be used as a touchscreen tablet. No optical drive, only FW and USB and Airport, audio and video out.

    It isn't that difficult to do, and would single-handedly take over a good percentage of the Japanese market.
  • Reply 2 of 80
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    A friend of mine showed me his Newton MessagePad 2100 today... wow that thing is cool. I would say to resurrect the Newton, keeping a similar large-screen form factor but thinning it down by a lot. Of course it would have all new technologies as well like Airport (which would have to be quick and easy to turn off to avoid sucking down batteries) and Bluetooth. It is really a nifty device, way cooler than PDAs today. It has a big screen that can rotate to any orientation you want, a microphone and speaker, two PC card slots for memory cards or other upgrades (like ethernet or airport), and excellent handwriting recognition. It's an excellent halfway point between a PDA and a tablet. PDAs are too small and unwieldy (Graffiti? Give me a break!) to be useful, and tablets are large and unwieldy and overkill for most tasks. The Newton is "just right."
  • Reply 3 of 80
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I'd have him make another Cube with Dual Processors and the ability to cluster between Cubes. That way I could add more grunt just by attaching another Node.
  • Reply 4 of 80
    The ability to transfer files really easily between computers using FireWire. Instead of having ethernet networks, have all firewire networks. Now that would be badass.

    Does anyone know of a prog that allows that today?

    It would semi-sweet to be able to have access to all hardrives on all the computers at one time in our house. All with Firewire connectivity. We have the technology, just not the App, that I can find.
  • Reply 5 of 80
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    I'd have him make another Cube with Dual Processors and the ability to cluster between Cubes. That way I could add more grunt just by attaching another Node.

    and redesign the cube so that it is easily stackable, I'm thinking partnership with LEGO could help here
  • Reply 6 of 80
    shawkshawk Posts: 116member
    An OSX port to the IBM Power workstations, servers and massively parallel supercomputers with full 24/7 IBM support.
  • Reply 7 of 80
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Easy: a nice widescreen 14-15" iBook with a 1-1.25GHz G4 in it and all the latest connectivity and I/O (USB 2, FireWire 800, AirPort Extreme, Bluetooth, etc.).

    1152x768 resolution would be fine, as is 32MB graphics.

    I say iBook because I prefer the look of it (at least the older, glossy-all-over version) to the titanium or aluminum. And it's MUCH more rugged and "luggable".

    Somehow incorporate that handle from the toilet seat iBooks (updated to go well with the white, squarer enclosure of course) just for added "wow!" factor.

  • Reply 8 of 80
    I would probably laugh in his face.

    He'd of course want to prove he's not bullshitting me and say something like "No, really! Anything, I've got Ive on the phone right here?"

    "Anything, huh?"

    "You heard me the first time, kid."

    "Don't be a prick, I'm thinking?"

    "*sigh*? hold on, Ive?"

    "Hmm?" (I would take my time finding the perfect thing to ask for) "? tricky?" (I don't, so instead?) "? alright. I want an iPod? not just any iPod, though, but one that makes Star Trek sound effects when buttons are pressed?"


    "A phaser to fire for the select button and fast forwarding/rewinding, tricorder noises when the scroll wheel is touched?"

    "I could give you the night to think it over, really?"


    "Ugh? Jon? Yeah? why don't I just put you on with him?"

    And then my dreams would come true.
  • Reply 9 of 80
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    It'd be hard to decide between a resurrected Newton or a resurrected Cube.

    The coolest products ever to be discontinued. \
  • Reply 10 of 80
    kraig911kraig911 Posts: 912member

    Originally posted by Dog Almighty

    I would probably laugh in his face.

    (Some Really Funny Stuff)

    And then my dreams would come true.

    Dog Almight that made my day.... good call!
  • Reply 11 of 80
    A two button mouse.

  • Reply 12 of 80
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member

    Originally posted by Luca Rescigno

    A friend of mine showed me his Newton MessagePad 2100 today... wow that thing is cool. I would say to resurrect the Newton, keeping a similar large-screen form factor but thinning it down by a lot. Of course it would have all new technologies as well like Airport (which would have to be quick and easy to turn off to avoid sucking down batteries) and Bluetooth. It is really a nifty device, way cooler than PDAs today. It has a big screen that can rotate to any orientation you want, a microphone and speaker, two PC card slots for memory cards or other upgrades (like ethernet or airport), and excellent handwriting recognition. It's an excellent halfway point between a PDA and a tablet. PDAs are too small and unwieldy (Graffiti? Give me a break!) to be useful, and tablets are large and unwieldy and overkill for most tasks. The Newton is "just right."

    Someone gets it.
  • Reply 13 of 80
    Sub $1K G4 mini-me tower.

    Hotcakes I tell ya...

    (The Star Trek iPod would be pretty bitchin' too)
  • Reply 14 of 80
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    I really wanted one after I used them today just because they're so cool, but I know for a fact that I'd never really use it, at least not nearly enough to justify the expense. But it is a neat toy.

    On a related note, I should be getting my PowerBook 520c within a week or so. It's cheaper than a Newton, but not as cool.
  • Reply 15 of 80
    a two touch pad mouse, no buttons, only pads. Steve is happy, we're all happy. (also throw in a scroll pad)


    what would we be able to do with a two padded mouse?...you can now stop maggots from eating your cheese. see, making the world a better place.
  • Reply 16 of 80
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member

    Originally posted by Dog Almighty

    not just any iPod, though, but one that makes Star Trek sound effects when buttons are pressed?"

    You DO realise that the iPod already does that (at least the 3G ones do)? Hold down (<<) (>>) and the middle button on startup. Then go to "5 IN 1".

  • Reply 17 of 80
    jbljbl Posts: 555member
    I vote for a computer with a form factor similar to the Newton 2100. I am not sure if it should run Panther or an updated Newton OS. Newton OS is better designed for small screens and stylus input but it sure would be useful to be able to run the same programs on it as on my "real" computers. How much harder do you think it would be to use Panther on such a device than Newton or Palm OS?
  • Reply 18 of 80
    peharripeharri Posts: 169member
    OS X on Intel. I'm not dissing Apple by saying this, and I love my iPod and will destroy with extreme vengence anyone who tries to take it from me 8), but there's hardware out there, particularly in the laptop area, that suits me more than Apple's offerings. Apple's kit is nice, but it's never quite what I want.
  • Reply 19 of 80

    Originally posted by peharri

    OS X on Intel. I'm not dissing Apple by saying this, and I love my iPod and will destroy with extreme vengence anyone who tries to take it from me 8), but there's hardware out there, particularly in the laptop area, that suits me more than Apple's offerings. Apple's kit is nice, but it's never quite what I want.

    If apple is not your "thang"... then post on a non apple-centric forum.
  • Reply 20 of 80
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member

    Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes

    If apple is not your "thang"... then post on a non apple-centric forum.

    I think he has a right to his opinion. There is a case to be made for OS X on Intel, even though it might not make any business sense. Some people want a greater range of choices, or they want to be able to build their own machines. I'm sure a lot of people would build PCs and install OS X on them if it were possible, and I'm sure a lot of Mac users would buy 3 lb subnotebooks (hey escher ) to complement their desktops.

    Again, it might not make any marketing sense, but to the consumer it's great because it would offer such a great range of choices.
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