DV camcorder analog->DV conversions versus DV converter ???

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Does a camcorder with Analog->DV 'pass-thru" (like Sony camcorders have) achieve the same Analog->DV conversion quality as a dedicated DV converter (like Formac Studio)?

I want to know, do I need to buy a DV converter to convert old family videos on VHS or will dubbing to a digital camcorder achieve similar quality conversions?

What is the quality difference? Is it worth the $400 cost of a DV converter?

I own neither device, btw. I want to know if both devices are necessary or if I can get away with just using the DV camcorder for conversions.


[ 12-08-2001: Message edited by: NeoMac ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 4
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I have used my Sony Camcorder to transfer analog video to DV. The only limitations I can think of are those present in the camera itself. Since my DV camera is interlaced, I believe analog video will be captured interlaced as well (I don't know for sure, however. I have played a non-interlaced tape in my DV camera and the image plays and transfers non-interlaced. This indicates that it may just be the CCD that is interlaced...)

    Also the source quality will matter alot. If you're capturing from a VHS tape for example, all the noise on the tape will be captured as well. This noise is random and not very noticeable on the TV. However, when looking at it on the computer or after its compressed to QuickTime the noise is very annoying.

    Anyhow, my 2¢...
  • Reply 2 of 4
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    I've used the sony DAT and a sony camera to convert video. Wiht the DAT you can convert VHS to DV easier, however with a camera you have more control. I had to buy the DAT because we had VHS cameras where I work, but for home use, I get along just fine with my camera. Never once have I brought the DAT home to simplify a project. The camera does a fine job.
  • Reply 3 of 4
    leonisleonis Posts: 3,427member
    I found some refurbished JVC Mini camcorders for $600 CDN

    I have to go to check to see if they have the 'pass-thru' feature. If it does I may think about getting one
  • Reply 4 of 4
    [quote]Originally posted by Leonis:

    <strong>I found some refurbished JVC Mini camcorders for $600 CDN

    I have to go to check to see if they have the 'pass-thru' feature. If it does I may think about getting one</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Let me know what you find. So far the only DV cams with pass-thru that I've found are all sony.
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