Official Wireless keyboard-Mouse Thread

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Anyone have theirs yet?

I'm getting one of each as part of a trade for teaching an OS X class.

Post your real world reviews here.



  • Reply 1 of 9
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    There's already another thread about this. I'll return with the link when I find it.

    That thread has convinced me to get the keyboard. And I might just get the mouse for good measure. Luckily, even though I'm a power user, I can handle -- and sometimes prefer -- a single button mouse.
  • Reply 2 of 9
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member
    I'm semi-tempted by the KB, but then I remind myself that I never use my keyboard while hanging upside down or whatever wireless keyboards are for. And if I'm going to get a mouse, I'll be getting an MX 700.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    coolmaccoolmac Posts: 259member
    I want to get it, I have just one question though,can you wake the G5 from sleep with it?

    Reason I ask is that I have the bluetooth keyboard and it won't wake the Powermac from sleep like the wired keyboard does.

    Now I'm wondering if the wireless mouse will.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    The wireless mouse seemed to wake my wife's new 15" PB from screen effects and sleep as well.

    Though this won't answer the G5 question.

    As a teacher, I have the opportunity to "stand off" from my PB and Epson projector during PowerPoint presentations. I am very impressed with both the KB and mouse.
  • Reply 5 of 9
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    Completely satisfied.

    Great range.

    I now iChat from the middle of my room from my comfy TV chair, with my iBook across the room on it's PodiumPad. I make the iChat window tiny, then Zoom into it with Universal Access. So I can chat while watching TV without needing to precariously balance my iBook on my lap, or lean over the coffee table. Plus no heat on my, uh, "lap" (good for if I want to make babies someday, although not sure about Bluetooth )

    Mouse is rock solid range-wise. Not a single missed movement or click. Yes, there can be an intial lag if coming out of sleep. That might add up over time. But the benefits are pretty good.

    Having an iBook, I missed an extended keyboard like you wouldn't believe, (although the iBook's keyboard is generally terrific). Now the iBook is on a PodiumPad and the wireless keyboard goes wherever I want to be, within visible range of my screen.

    Man, wish I had a Cinema Display across the room, though Also wish iBooks had dual display capability (available hack notwithstanding)
  • Reply 6 of 9
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    Just received my wireless keyboard. Using now as I type this.

    So far so good. Pairing it with my G5 was painless. I haven't done all the tests and stuff, but I'll post my experiences later tonight after I use it for some gaming and writing code.
  • Reply 7 of 9
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    If I completely put my G5 to sleep, the wireless keyboard will not wake it. I expect this will be the case for the mouse too. I assume the Mac's bluetooth and the keyboards bluetooth are powered down.

    There also is a delay when waking from sleep as the machine activates bluetooth and connects with the KB.

    I can always reach across and tap the glowing button on my Cinema Display, but I've always preferred tapping the keyboard or mouse. I guess i'll just have to get used to it.
  • Reply 8 of 9
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I just discovered a checkbox in the Bluetooth control panel: "Allow Bluetooth devices to wake this computer". This is just what I want! However... the checkbox is disabled.

    Is this the bluetooth bug people with 10.2.8 are complaining about?
  • Reply 9 of 9
    coolmaccoolmac Posts: 259member
    Did you do the firmware update that came on the bluetooth moouse/keyboard software disk?

    If you did not make sure you install it and it should take care of your not being able to wake from sleep problem.

    It did for me.

    Oh and if you do the 10.2.8 update I think it should take care of the delay problem.
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