My body my choice:Part 2 -The male pill
Do I look bloated to you?
Seems like there will finally be several forms of male birth control coming to market soon.
I will be one of the first to try these as soon as they are available. My wife and I have decided we do not want a third child, but I don't really care to get snipped. She has been taking the pill but now I can return the favor.
So what sort of social dynamics do you see changing and occuring for this? Will there be able to be default judgements of custody anymore when men can now claim to not be producing any sperm?
Interesting times we live in.
Seems like there will finally be several forms of male birth control coming to market soon.
I will be one of the first to try these as soon as they are available. My wife and I have decided we do not want a third child, but I don't really care to get snipped. She has been taking the pill but now I can return the favor.
So what sort of social dynamics do you see changing and occuring for this? Will there be able to be default judgements of custody anymore when men can now claim to not be producing any sperm?
Interesting times we live in.
Does it have flavor modifiers?
But in all seriousness, our birth control method really has always worked for us - so far. I know that the pill is well tested and is safe for most women, but, at a gut level, I still do not like fooling around with hormones. My wife feels the same way and says she would have refused to take the pill if I had ever asked her do do this. For the same reasons, I do not plan to try the male pill.
Until then, I suggest all men follow the advice of Tom Leykis: Put Tobasco sauce or Habanero Pepper sauce in your used condoms before you dispose of them. If you hear a scream, you know she was trying to impregnate herself.
Originally posted by bunge
Without condoms diseases will spread more rapidly.
You're just pissed because soon another form of income redistribution will be put to an end.
Originally posted by trumptman
You're just pissed because soon another form of income redistribution will be put to an end.
I know this is a joke, so I'd love to add a reassuring smiley, but I'm just too dumb to get it tonight. I'm sorry.
I simply refuse to use the female one, but I won't dislike guys who have the balls (=courage ... sorry, I feel the italian expression for courage, having the balls, is the right one here) to use the male pill.
Though .. thoughts. Can a girl trust that the guys is really taking the pill? What if he forgets it one morning and you get in trouble because of that? I guess I'll trust more the sterilization (of me) rather than a guy who just claims he's using the pill ... how do I know? Shoudl htey start to have sperm count tests in the pharmacy, so you can do a count on the guys who tells you he's on the pill just to be sure he's not lieing in order to simply get to your pants?
Originally posted by trumptman
You're just pissed because soon another form of income redistribution will be put to an end.
What does the male pill or condoms have to do with income redistribution? Or are you trying to tell he does not have money for the male pill? I assume to have any success, it should be as cheap as the female pill ...
Also, why the double standard? Why do you yourself refuse to take any kind of contraceptive medicine and yet desire for the man to do so?
Oops, I forgot. Double standards are OK as long as it only hurts men.
Originally posted by BR
Also, why the double standard? Why do you yourself refuse to take any kind of contraceptive medicine and yet desire for the man to do so?
Oops, I forgot. Double standards are OK as long as it only hurts men.
I refuse to take the pill, but I don't refuse to be sterilized. I just hate the idea of the pill - telling the body the lie it's pregnant etc. Whatever. Women have started to get a lot different diseases too since the pill became popular (since 1970s or so). I'm too tired to argue about this at this hour, so please don't force me to look for any links. The hormones in the pills are not natural. I jsut really dislike the idea of using them. Dislike them far more than the idea of selling my ovaries and uterus and having them transplanted to anyone who wants to buy them. More than just simply being sterilized.
Besides, the female pill isn't the only available or acceptable contraception method available. If someone tried to tell me it was, he would lose me very fast, and 100 % with no sex.
Originally posted by Giaguara
I refuse to take the pill, but I don't refuse to be sterilized. I just hate the idea of the pill - telling the body the lie it's pregnant etc. Whatever. Women have started to get a lot different diseases too since the pill became popular (since 1970s or so). I'm too tired to argue about this at this hour, so please don't force me to look for any links. The hormones in the pills are not natural. I jsut really dislike the idea of using them. Dislike them far more than the idea of selling my ovaries and uterus and having them transplanted to anyone who wants to buy them. More than just simply being sterilized.
Besides, the female pill isn't the only available or acceptable contraception method available. If someone tried to tell me it was, he would lose me very fast, and 100 % with no sex.
Are you opposed to other female contraceptives? Patches? Shots? Implants?
See, too many women don't know that anything other than the pill is available. I'm sorry you are the exception to the rule and my assumption turned out to be wrong.
Oh yeah, I'm also in favor of legalizing the sale of organs.
Want to buy any organs? Maybe selling those I could buy 1 working kidney ...
Originally posted by Giaguara
Want to buy any organs? Maybe selling those I could buy 1 working kidney ...
Hey, I am a guy, but I always wanted to get pregnant. Care to sell me your baby lab down there? ;-)
Originally posted by trumptman
So what sort of social dynamics do you see changing and occuring for this?
- Birth rate will drop even more as less women will be able to screw a guy to get his sperm and couples can more easily avoid the consequences of the female partner forgetting the pill, taking antibiotics alongside it etc.
- In some relationships, there will be a huge pressure on the male part to take the pill.
- There'll be a new surge of HIV-infections, HPV (papilloma), HBV (hepatitis), herpes and other STDs because there is no reason to go out of your way to buy condoms with your ONS.
Originally posted by bunge
I know this is a joke, so I'd love to add a reassuring smiley, but I'm just too dumb to get it tonight. I'm sorry.
Originally posted by Giaguara
What does the male pill or condoms have to do with income redistribution? Or are you trying to tell he does not have money for the male pill? I assume to have any success, it should be as cheap as the female pill ...
I was just teasing about the first thread which bunge and I debated heavily in. The crux of the issue in that thread was financial support and the man's ability to forgo the choice of parenting.
Financial support = income redistribution with me teasing bunge since he would never agree to an instance where the Dad shouldn't pay.
In fact there was another thread we debated in about false paternity and bunge thought the non-paternal dad should keep paying even when shown not to be the father.
So it was just an obscure reference to child support and the reason bunge would support it pretty much under any circumstance.
It was in jest but too obscure. I guess I'm Dennis Miller now.
There are lots of alternatives, one of which requires only 2 shots a year. I have volunteered for both study groups (one of them about an hour away) but haven't been called yet.
If you email some of the researchers directly a lot of them are really nice guys.
Links to the stories that got me started....
Originally posted by BR
Oh yeah, I'm also in favor of legalizing the sale of organs.
I am against, but i must realise that i just derailed this thread.
However the sale of organs is a terrible thing. Poor people obliged to sale their organs. That's sucks. I am 100 % against this. Anyway nearly 99 % of the MD will say so.