RockNES 2.5

in Mac Software edited January 2014
HQX4 is real smooth, scaling full screen has almost zero quality loss. It is incredibly slow though, getting only 1 fps on my PowerBook 12". Can anyone else test this? I hope an optimization helps it run faster in the next update. Until then I'm keeping 2.4 kicking around with Better Blitter. Thanks Richard Bannister though for continuing quality emulators!


  • Reply 1 of 2
    etharethar Posts: 111member
    HOLY HELL! It's SMB3 with Cel Shading!

    Aquatic, I've *never* tried RockNES with those settings on full screen...I usually just play in a 2x window or something. Bannister is my new hero!

    Anyways, back to your question. I'm on a new Al 15", and the game is still quite playable with those settings. Certainly a little choppier than it should be, but well above 1 fps.
  • Reply 2 of 2
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Yes the HQX quality is astounding. Now if only I had a G5 to play it...perhaps with Panther and RockNES 2.6 it will be smooth enough.
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