Tabs in Finder Windows
I was just in Finder and almost pressed Command T to make a new tab when I realized I was in Finder and not Safari. But, why wouldn't Tabs work in Finder the same way they do in Safari? I think that would be great! Especially for people with small screens like me on a 12" PB. What do ya'll think.
Edit: I just thought about copying files. How about, if you hold a certain key or key combo down it lets you select different Tabs while still "holding" a file or folder you are dragging. As in you select it, drag it around while hitting a key or key combo, and then you can select a new tab while still holding the item and then use Spring Loaded folders to place it. Alternately you can "copy" and "paste" the item but that feels un Mac like to me.
Edit: I just thought about copying files. How about, if you hold a certain key or key combo down it lets you select different Tabs while still "holding" a file or folder you are dragging. As in you select it, drag it around while hitting a key or key combo, and then you can select a new tab while still holding the item and then use Spring Loaded folders to place it. Alternately you can "copy" and "paste" the item but that feels un Mac like to me.
(only half-joking anti-tabs troll)
Originally posted by stupider...likeafox
What is *wrong* with you people????
(only half-joking anti-tabs troll)
Let me ask you then, half-joking anti-tabs troll, why you consider yourself to be anti tabs? I can imagine that there are horrendously compelling reasons to hate the living guts out of tabs, but I admit I'm not aware of them. Yet I would love to learn. Please fess up.
I think it would be cool.
Originally posted by rok
seems like apple is depending on expose to satisfy the functionality everyone here is looking for, albeit with some trade-offs.
Tabs are sweet, but keep them in a browser. Exposé will be sweet and be better than tabs ever could be for Finder.
I try to live with tabs but it just doesn't work.
Is this feature in Panther?
Originally posted by Aquatic
Alternately you can "copy" and "paste" the item but that feels un Mac like to me.
You think copy and paste are unMac-like?
Well, you've got nice ideas about tabs, anyway.
Originally posted by der Kopf
I can imagine that there are horrendously compelling reasons to hate the living guts out of tabs, but I admit I'm not aware of them. Yet I would love to learn. Please fess up.
It's been covered a million times, I'm surprised you aren't sick of the arguments yet.
Here's some highlights:
summary for the lazy:
* not consistent, which is the key word for usability
* implemented on an app by app basis rather than baked into cocoa to be shared and reused
* solving a Windows UI (and Linux GUIs that rip-off Windows) problem that the Mac never had, and has even less now we have expose
* promoting the Windows way of working (e.g. can't drag and drop, even if you add workarounds it's not discovorable, encourages maximising things to take up the entire screen just when screens are becoming big enough to easily multitask etc.)