non static-free pouch for pb + ipod q

in General Discussion edited January 2014
my bro's gf made me custom, bright orange pouches for ipod and pb17. but as soon as i received it, my friend asks me if the fabric is static free.. i asked her and she said it's super-staticky.. so, what do you think i should do? should i keep it? is it the static really that bad? i don't want to loose my 5000$ pb because of 10$/ft fabric.

here's the pic of the ipod pouch.. so cute


  • Reply 1 of 8
    neilybneilyb Posts: 128member
    i've had a PB's logic-board fried, supposedly caused by static. From my understanding, static electricity can zap a port and at best disable the port, or at worst knock out the whole board.

  • Reply 2 of 8
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    Cool looking pouch, but it looks like fleece. Extremely staticy. I would strongly advise against putting any of your computer equipment in them. You will almost certainly zap something.
  • Reply 3 of 8
    wow.. i didn't think statics could do so much damage.. yeah, it's really cute but made of soft fleecy fabric. neither of us ever thought of static when making it... so i told her how i can't use neither pouches and she says she'll make me another set. i suggested gel-cushion. do you guys know any good soft cases for ipod or pb17? i don't need a bag, just something that'll cover them.
  • Reply 4 of 8
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by lemonaded

    wow.. i didn't think statics could do so much damage.. yeah, it's really cute but made of soft fleecy fabric. neither of us ever thought of static when making it... so i told her how i can't use neither pouches and she says she'll make me another set. i suggested gel-cushion. do you guys know any good soft cases for ipod or pb17? i don't need a bag, just something that'll cover them.

    Consider investing in the laptop case that Apple sells, its pricey, but from what I hear it's worth it. Try that link, good bags for laptops, they will probably have a space for the iPod. I know you don't need a bag, but having one will serve you well and help you avoid one of the computer's worst enemies: static.
  • Reply 5 of 8
    i do have a good solid oakley backpack, and i need a soft case to use inside that bag so that i don't scratch it against other stuff in there. i bought another oakley shoulder bag for pb but it was too small! hate it when that happens. anyone want an oakley sandbag for pb12? haha

    what about a poch for ipod? what would you recommend? i'm currently using oakley sunglasses pouch(ipod's so tiny it fits into a sunglasses pouch! and it only fills up 2/3 of it), and when i'm riding my bike i put it in oakley cellphone case on the strap of the shoulder bag. yeah, i love oakley, almost as much as apple! when i buy their stuff, they ooze quality in every way and is worth every penny i spend on them. apple's the only other brand/company i can say that to.
  • Reply 6 of 8
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    for style and protection I am an advocate for Crumpler Bags
  • Reply 7 of 8
    defiantdefiant Posts: 4,876member
    This is Purchasing Advice, so I'll move it to General Discussion, the place for all things Buy/Sell.
  • Reply 8 of 8
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Perhaps a neoprene sleeve? It's really simple and pretty inexpensive. Of course, it's just a sleeve, but it'll protect the computer if you throw it into your backpack. Neoprene is very protective - it seems to absorb shock very well. Marware also makes a similar iPod pouch but I prefer an iPod case that lets you control it through the case, like the Xtreme Mac Deluxe iPod Case. This is the one I have. The belt clip is very good and VERY secure, and the system for holding the iPod in place and controlling it while in the case is clever. It's not perfect - you don't get access to the hold switch, the velcro doesn't hold very strongly, and the opening for the dock connector is just barely big enough and not aligned perfectly. But those don't really matter, I can work around all those problems, and the leather cover prevents any of the buttons from being pressed anyway so the hold switch doesn't need to be activated ever. It's quite nice (although it probably doesn't provide the protection that neoprene does).
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