Apple shipping Powerbooks via FED EX

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I just got my shipping notice this morning for my 15" powerbook. It's being shipped from Taiwan via FED EX!!! Anyone else experiencing the same?

I'm so glad that my powerbook isn't shipping via Airborne Express. I've already got a date and time (10/20 by 12:00pm) of arrival. Good old Fed Ex. Maybe Apple finally wised up. I hope more people will be getting theirs this way. Cheers.


  • Reply 1 of 1

    Originally posted by sunrein

    ... Good old Fed Ex. Maybe Apple finally wised up. I hope more people will be getting theirs this way. ...

    I find it funny that I was recently reading this FedEx horror story that our poor murbot had to go through...

    I don't mean to kill your PowerBook-related buzz, though... sorry
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