Momma Bush To Dems: You are a sorry lot!

in General Discussion edited January 2014
This is just sad.


Mama Bush raps the Dems



WASHINGTON - Former First Lady Barbara Bush calls the Democrats trying to unseat her eldest son "a sorry lot" - and says she thought he would lose in 2000.

In an NBC interview with Mrs. Bush to be aired Sunday and Monday, former President George Bush also sounds off on the Democratic contenders.

"They're all together on this vicious rhetoric," George Bush interjects. "And then that's the sound bite, you see, the one who makes the most ... outrageous charges against the President and then gets his 20 seconds on the evening news.

"Hey, I didn't ride here on a watermelon cart. I know how it works."

Barbara Bush said she feared that her son would lose the 2000 election because "my gut feeling is that all the media is against George ... any Republican."

Reading from her new book, "Reflections: Life after the White House," the tart-tongued matriarch of the Bush clan offers some unexpectedly sympathetic observations about former Vice President Al Gore.

"I find myself thinking of Al Gore and what he must be feeling," she noted on the day her son was sworn in as the 43rd President. "I'm sure he thinks he won the race, although I don't. I do feel sorry for him. We've lost [before] and losing is not easy."

"It seems a bit beneath her," Democratic National Committee spokesman Tony Welch said of Barbara Bush's shot at the Democratic field. "But we understand her nervousness. Her husband was beaten by a Democrat and she must be worried her son will also be beaten by a Democrat."


"a sorry lot"

Really? Sorry huh? Guess that would make your son a regrettable nightmare we are all day-walking through?

What we have now is a full press PR campaign to save JUNIOR. And even is momma is coming to JUNIOR's rescue. Umm. Momma bush... maybe they are saying "bad" things about your son because he is doing a lousy job?

(anyone who wants to know more about momma's dememnor should read all fraken's lying liar book. Evidently, JUNIOR for some reason is her favorite.)


se "my gut feeling is that all the media is against George ... any Republican."

Ohh there we go again. Its all the fault of the liberal media. Not the ecomic disaster of Bush SENIOR. Not the 3 millions jobs lost under bush JUNIOR...not tailspin economoy or the war or the lies or the fact that her son has an "insidious traitor" (daddy's words not mine) roaming his white house.

Nope. its the "liberal media"

Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth...

Will america sit back and not say a word or will she incur the wrath of hell she would receive if this were tipper gore speaking about bush JUNIOR in this way...


  • Reply 1 of 14

    all he has achieved (whatever that is) is mainly due to the innefectual pussying around of the Dems in giving him a free hand to do whatever he likes.

    Whatever you think of Bush (and I think I've made my feelings quite plain - let me know if you need further expansion) fact is he's had zero effective opposition. zero.

    That. I would agree with. The Democratic Party as a whole lost their backbone around december of the year 2000. I blame some on the gore election. I blame a little of it 9-11, a lot of it on the fact that in the past 2 years if they even dared to disagree with the "prez" they would be branded as tabliban loving commie pinkos by the flag wrapping freedom fry eating repubs.

    But i blame most of it on their refusual to take a stand and have conviction. Stand up for what you believe in Demos and you will win!

    (i think she was speaking of the prez candidates though. were she is wrong. clark is anything but sorry and i look forward to the first debate between him and bush JUNIOR.) talk about your homer drooling over a donut moment.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    1) Am I reading this right? Bush's MOTHER has come out to tell democrats not to be so mean to her son?

    2) Do you have a link to this story?
  • Reply 3 of 14

    I didn't ride here on a watermelon cart

    Has anyone ever heard this phrase before?
  • Reply 4 of 14


    1) Am I reading this right? Bush's MOTHER has come out to tell democrats not to be so mean to her son?


    Evidently its from an NBC interview to be aired Sunday.

    Now you liberal media and demo prez candidates, you quit picking on my son...*

    She's one woman i would not want to piss off. She puts up a good persona but i've seen pics of her angry.

    Laser piercing don't want to be on the end of those.

    *Jeebus H Christmas! is there ANYTHING that JUNIOR doesn't owe DIRECTLY to his parents?
  • Reply 5 of 14

    Has anyone ever heard this phrase before?

    No. I guess JUNIOR gets it from his father...
  • Reply 6 of 14
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Yes I've noticed things have been quiet on the get rid of Bush front lately. Probably his supporters piped down hoping it will just go away.

    I wouldn't count on it!

    OUT THE DOOR IN 2004!
  • Reply 7 of 14
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by kneelbeforezod

    Has anyone ever heard this phrase before?

    Yes. If the Bushes were actually from Texas and not Connecticut, I'd say it was a southernism that they'd picked up.

    Maybe they heard it from a visiting member to their country club? Yacht club, maybe?
  • Reply 8 of 14


    Barbara Bush: What a nasty piece of garbage!

    "Why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many, what day it's going to happen, and how many this or what do you suppose? Oh, I mean, it's, not relevant. So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?" - Barbara Bush, 04/16/03

    Of course if any of her cowardly sons had the balls to serve, and not come home, she may have felt different.

    The quote is a few months old, but with her coming back into the news, it should be repeated often._

    I no longer reserve the C word for only Ann Coulter...
  • Reply 9 of 14
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Watermelon cart... nice work George.

    The sad thing is, there are people who will buy it.

    "Well gee Wally, if his Mom and Dad say he's OK, he's gotta be OK."

    "Heck Beav, what're ya bothering me with that silly politics stuff for anyway? He's our President, so we gotta get behind him, OK? Kids...."
  • Reply 10 of 14
    I particularly love the picture of GW standing behind his mommy looking all awkward. Is it just me or does this guy look dopey-er every time we see him?
  • Reply 11 of 14
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I prefer the term "Mo' Dopey".

  • Reply 12 of 14
    the photo comps of bush and a chimp in similar poses keep growing

    first there were only a few, but Dubya keeps providing Dopey photos.

    <won't link them here... there are plenty of googlable results for "Bush Chimp">

    and if we wanted to take the Disney depiction detour in full,

    Rumsfeld... would probably be Grumpy

    Powell... might be Sleepy, maybe Doc

    Cheney ... ?

    Condi ... ?
  • Reply 13 of 14
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,027member
    [hands you all towels]

    wipe the foam from your mouths, guys.
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