Help! What To Do? (purchase question)

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
<sigh> I don't know how to feel after watching the keynote.

Prior to the anouncement of the event, I was planning on purchasing a top of the line PowerMac G4 and flat panel screen. Once I heard of MacWorld, I decided to wait to see what was coming. Now, with no price reduction or update to the PowerMac line, I'm stuck (to me, the hype was not lived up to).

Do I:

1.) Stick it out and wait for MacWorld Tokyo and hope that the PowerMacs are updated then and spend tons of money?

2.) Go ahead with my order that I was planning on making, spending nearly $4,000?

3.) Hold out for a couple of months to see if the current PowerMacs go down in price, then purchase the same system for hopefully less than $4,000?

4.) Buy a new, top of the line iMac (they are so cool) for about $2,000 that is competitive with the current PowerMac G4s, settling for the slightly smaller screen and non-upgradability?


Anyone have any thoughts or ideas for a frustrated graphic artist? Thanks.


  • Reply 1 of 4
    composercomposer Posts: 212member
    If having a bigger screen is important to you, I'd wait a little to see what comes down the pike. However, if you can work with that screen (like a 17" monitor, so it's not that bad) I say get the iMac and save yourself some money.
  • Reply 2 of 4
    dalidali Posts: 32member
    yo yo yo....


    I will probably buy the iMac cause I am sick of waiting, and the screen is the only downside. I can convert the iMac to be something else, not my main computer in july of the fall, like an MP3 server of whatever

    My other issue is I can NOT hook up an external Apple FlatPanel to the new iMac, PISSED off. If the cinema display would ack into this giving higher rez than 1024 x 768... life would be golden But it doesn't and life is NOT gold

    Does anyone have precedent where products were not released and prices were not lowered, BUT the prices were lowered SOON AFTER? (like the PMs should be soon) ????

    I agree with the orginal statement... HELP
  • Reply 3 of 4
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Unless you REALLY NEED a bigger screen go for the top iMac.
  • Reply 4 of 4
    My opinions in descending order as applied to your situation.

    1) Buy the new iMac, if you can live with the screen and lack of PCI slots.

    2) If not, then WAIT!!!!!! Do not buy a Powermac right now. At least wait until the end of the Studio Display promo (1/31/02).

    3) If you can't wait, then buy the cheapest Powermac now, and cash in and trade up later this year.

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