Why does printing suck in OSX?

in macOS edited January 2014
I have a Hp2175 and this takes forever to print on my new 12 inch powerbook, 10.2.8. It is pdf files I'm printing but it should not take me this long to print should it? after one page is printed, it waits for like a minutes before the next page is printed. What gives?

Does Panther change this? How can I speed this up?


  • Reply 1 of 5
    Are these PDFs that you created using OSX? If so, I've had this very same problem. I ended up fixing it by using an old copy of Adobe Distiller (v5). My PDF files from Distiller are much! smaller than those created by OSX.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    yeah, pritning is a bitch (it didnt used to be until Septmeber, for some odd reason....whatever) like sometimes it will just stay with "opening printer connection"

    man, it used to be so grand, it used to turn on my printer FOR me when it was printing, those were the days!
  • Reply 3 of 5
    They weren't created on OSX. It was from a windows computer. Printing is just faster on windoze i guess.

  • Reply 4 of 5
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member
    normally, I have no problem printing on OS X, but I have seen examples of a PDF that took several minutes per page.

    The PDF came from some government site on the internet and appeared to be pretty poorly created... like it was more bitmaps than vectors.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    I have had problems, but it has always been my printer. HP OfficeJet D135. I'm getting sick of it.
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