problem publishing from iPhoto to .mac
I had my HD updated last week, today i tried to publish photos from iPhoto to my .mac homepage. got the error
"network error occured while processing your order
please check your network connections and try again."
rest of everything else works, i can sign into .mac even use iSync. changing the HD (apple service tech did this and moved all my old stuff over) is only thing different since the last time i published to my homepage.
how do i check my user name and password that iPhoto uses? Could the HD change forgot my settings?
"network error occured while processing your order
please check your network connections and try again."
rest of everything else works, i can sign into .mac even use iSync. changing the HD (apple service tech did this and moved all my old stuff over) is only thing different since the last time i published to my homepage.
how do i check my user name and password that iPhoto uses? Could the HD change forgot my settings?
BTW, others on the Apple discussion boards are also complaining of this problem.
Originally posted by disco
Same here. I get the error message, but the page is posted anyway.
From iPhoto i couldn't get to my Pictures folder in my iDisk to publish them and then use homepage to make the site as usual. Also today I can't even mount my iDisk on my desktop. I'm using Jaguar, so an Apple server problem? My setup has not been changed.