Apple innovation and third-party apps

in General Discussion edited January 2014
At MacInTouch, I came across this open letter from the makers of LiteSwitch X to Apple. As stated in the memo, it's the Sherlock 3/Watson controversy all over again.

Any thoughts?


  • Reply 1 of 19
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Apple copies.

    Apple should give credit.

    Apple won't give credit.
  • Reply 2 of 19
    Whatever. What does their app do that was 'original'? It puts up a floating window with your apps? That's not original. It allows some contextual menus? Yes and Apple's app switcher doesn't do that. I'm not sure what they're bitching about. :/
  • Reply 3 of 19
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Right, Proteron shamelessly copies the Apple look-and-feel with the System Preferences icon and they have the gall to do the finger-pointing? What a snarky moron, Samuel Caughron. WTF is going on here.
  • Reply 4 of 19
    resres Posts: 711member
    I've never used LiteSwitch X, exactly which features are supposedly copped from them in Panther? The open latter did not specify.
  • Reply 5 of 19
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
    LiteSwitch wasn't worth $15 anyway. You don't pay $15 to put up an application switcher. That's just plain retarded, especially since the Dock doubled as it in 10.2 anyway. And yeah, they may have those little options, but it's still not worth $15.

    Shame. I made a Font Viewer and Apple put one in the system now. You don't see me writing anything to Apple.
  • Reply 6 of 19
    mrmistermrmister Posts: 1,095member
    yeah, they don't have much of a case--on the surface they look similar, but the same thing has been in Windows forever, so one could argue it came from there. This does not rise to the level of the Sherlock/Watson debacle, and it's nothing like that--I still use Watson over Sherlock because it works so much better, while Proteron doesn't seem to have much going for it.
  • Reply 7 of 19
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by jwill

    LiteSwitch wasn't worth $15 anyway. You don't pay $15 to put up an application switcher.

    I used Keyboard Maestro (and its predecessors) for years. But it bothered me that I wouldn't let me use command-tab to switch apps, supposedly because Apple reserved command-tab for its own use. When LiteSwitch X 2.0 came out and let me use command-tab, I bought it the same day. OS X's app switcher was a piece of crap until now. The $15 investment in LiteSwitch X has more than paid for itself in saved time and avoided confusion.

    I'm waiting a few more weeks to get Panther with a new PowerBook. At that point I will have a choice between the improved app switcher in Panther and LiteSwitch X 2.1. Regardless of which I choose, I certainly won't regret those $15 that gave me a useful app switcher ages before we'd ever heard of Panther.

    As for Apple imitating 3rd party apps, Panther's app switcher had much more precedent than LiteSwitch X, e.g. Windows. OTOH, Sherlock was an unambiguous Watson ripoff. In any case, imitation is flattery, even without credit. Sometimes you have to be satisfied with the flattery. If not, tough luck. Don't let the bitch get to you.

  • Reply 8 of 19
    jwilljwill Posts: 209member
    I think, in OS 9, that that would be a beautiful option. It's not as much worth in OS X, and now that Panther's released, it's even less.

    But, if you already bought Liteswitch, never fear! You still get the extra menus! (no sarcasm or joke implied). So if you really needed it back then, you have it now, and keep on usin it , since it is slightly better than the default. But otherwise, stick with Mac OS X 10.3's default.
  • Reply 9 of 19
    foadfoad Posts: 717member

    Originally posted by Eugene

    Right, Proteron shamelessly copies the Apple look-and-feel with the System Preferences icon and they have the gall to do the finger-pointing? What a snarky moron, Samuel Caughron. WTF is going on here.

    That is exactly what I was thinking. The guys at Proteron have no reason to bitch...they ripped off Apples icon blatantly and now they are bitching because of a feature that was present in other operating systems and ina half-assed way in OS X until Panther came out through the dock. I admit, I use liteswitch. I bought it awhile ago. I still prefer its implementation over the current one in Panther but to each his own.

    They just need to get over it.
  • Reply 10 of 19
    henriokhenriok Posts: 537member
    1. Theres nothing original in Proteons Lite Switch, It's been done on windows since the dawn of computing.

    2. Lite Switch does not only copy the icon, they also use the semi transparens bezel-look that Apple made for their sound volume and eject functionality ages ago.

    They accuse Apple for near pixel copying.

    a) Apple made the semi transparent bezel graphics before Proteron

    b) All other graphics is the system font, and the icons from the apps.

    3. They accuse Apple for "significantly improving" app switching in Panther. Apple have had alt-tab app switching in about every version om Mac OS X, and taking it to this level was just the obvious evolutionairy step. Apple have just taken the graphics out of the Dock and up to the middle of the screen. In fact, there's _NO_ added funtionality over Jaguar, just nicer representation.

    4. On their web page they accuse Apple for assimilation third party software. They don't say that they assimilated functionality, but software. If that was the case, it'd be stealing, and Apple would should prepare for a law suit. Reading their letter, the wording is different, so it's obvious that Proteron is exaggeration their claims.

    Proteron made GREAT apps for OS9.. What the hell happened then? Nothing! Lite switch was a free app for OS9, but now it costs 15 dollars? When we already have that funcionality built in the OS they start to charge for some added, in my oppinion meaningless, functionality? My advice to Proteron is: Stop bitching and start your innovative process again.
  • Reply 11 of 19
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    LiteSwitch Classic:

  • Reply 12 of 19
    I assume (and hope) that this is not genuine whining but just a cunning attempt to drum up some free publicity for their product.

    But that's what I thought about Watson/Sherlock too, and that guy seems to have a real chip on his shoulder, despite Apple offering him a job.
  • Reply 13 of 19
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    This is coming from the company that made GoMac??

    Yes, GoMac was actually far improved from the Windows taskbar in many ways, but not different so much that Microsoft couldn't have sued Proteron over. (Although ironically Microsoft set the precedent for not being able to sue others for stealing look and feel, when Apple lost the suit against Microsoft).

    Oh and remember Proteron's home page for about 3 years? The one nearly identical to Microsoft's?


    I was initially torn thinking "Hm, yeah Apple pretty much did just yoink the same specs from LiteSwitch" but in actuality it's all Apple's to play around with to begin with. You want unique? Then make it unique, don't mix and match from industry standard conventions and pre-existing components that Apple has made for you.
  • Reply 14 of 19
    Scott Brown at "Fuel Five Media" has posted a response to Proteron's open letter echoing some of the same thoughts posted in this thread. (Link courtesy of MacMinute.)
  • Reply 15 of 19
    Thanks for the link. Nice to read an intelligent view of the situation.
  • Reply 16 of 19
    It looks like this thread is winding down. This might be as good a place as any to end things with Crazy Apple Rumors' take on this whole matter.

  • Reply 17 of 19
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I don't even believe in the whole Watson debacle. Unless Dan Wood was providing the content I saw nothing in Watson other than UI in which Apple most likely boosted.

    Watson is $30. Not the most expensive but it isn't cheap. Consolidation is going to happen in this industry. The OS is being asked to do more and more and as a Developer you need to make sure your IP is protected by Law. Protern is laying claim to an UI feature that existed for over a freakin decade. Ummmm no ...Apple shouldn't compensate you.
  • Reply 18 of 19
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by foad

    I admit, I use liteswitch. I bought it awhile ago. I still prefer its implementation over the current one in Panther but to each his own.

    I'm glad to hear that I wouldn't be the first one to stick with LiteSwitch even though Panther's app switcher is much improved.


    Originally posted by Henriok

    In fact, there's _NO_ added funtionality over Jaguar, just nicer representation.

    "Nicer representation" is the added functionality. That's why I paid US$15 for LiteSwitch X 2.0. Representation in the dock was useless for app switching. Representation needs to be in your face, highly visible, in the middle of the screen. That way your eyes don't have to move when you switch apps.

  • Reply 19 of 19

    Originally posted by Escher

    Representation needs to be in your face, highly visible, in the middle of the screen. That way your eyes don't have to move when you switch apps.

    wow. i thought i was lazy, but wow. "your eyes don't have to move" wow. wow.


    Originally posted by hmurchison a Developer you need to make sure your IP is protected by Law.

    with this, I very much disagree. IP laws are very harmful when it comes to software. for example: without IP laws we got the world wide web, and but for the illegal actions of a monolith, we would have had a lively competition between browsers promoting feature sets. with IP, we get can lose things like web plugins. what if someone patent'd app switching, or <modifier>-tab? we wouldn't have apple's dock, or liteswitch. IP laws hurt software.

    if you can't handle competition: (a) move to cuba, or (b) create a product that is better than the competition.
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