Is it just me or does .mac webmail SUCK????

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in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I have a mac at home, but spend lots of time on a PC in the office. I have been using the webmail for some time now, and am forced to conclude that it blows. I can't search my mail, half the time it does not even load, it has no 'replied' icons so I keep replying 2 or 3 times to each message- It is just about where yahoo mail was back in 1998!

They really need to come out with webmail 2.0 that corrects these issues and improves the system. Genuinly, I hit 'send' in a message, I get the 'page cannot be loaded' so I get back to my inbox, re-send it, and then find that I have now sent the message twice. I have done this 4 times today.

I know that this sounds silly, but for myself, and a lot of .mac users, webmail is where I spend the bulk of my time. sure, I go home to my and idisk and I love it again, but unless this improves there is no way that I will be able to renew.

I tried out mailblocks which is $10 a year with a free 30 day trial for mac users

and it is far and away the best web based e-mail that I have ever seen.

For $100 a year...Apple could at least try to match it.



  • Reply 1 of 10
    addisonaddison Posts: 1,185member
    I have paid for .mac but don't give out the email address because I am concerned ant the maximium email size of 5mb. It is just not enough for me.
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  • Reply 2 of 10
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by Addison

    I have paid for .mac but don't give out the email address because I am concerned ant the maximium email size of 5mb. It is just not enough for me.

    its 15 MB
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  • Reply 3 of 10
    nitzernitzer Posts: 115member

    Originally posted by applenut

    its 15 MB

    5MB for email only. Which makes it only $10/yr too.

    Of course it has to be attached to a full blown account somehow.
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  • Reply 4 of 10
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Yeah, I could see the advantage of paying a friend $10/year to attach an extra email-only account to his .mac membership, but I don't think you'd have a basis for complaint if you did that.

    Another alternative is Note: Not .com, .net. They offer some a la carte internet services, basically to fill in for .mac's one-size-fits-all scheme.
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  • Reply 5 of 10

    Originally posted by maninmac

    I have a mac at home, but spend lots of time on a PC in the office. I have been using the webmail for some time now, and am forced to conclude that it blows.

    If you're spending "lots of time on a PC" then install a mail client and get on with your life.

    Yes .mac webmail isn't astounding, but it's not meant to be: it's a stopgap solution for accessing your mail on the go.

    Why not try Mozilla Thunderbird? I've heard good things about it despite it only being at releas 0.3/0.4
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  • Reply 6 of 10
    jasonfjjasonfj Posts: 570member
    I use webmail all the time at work on a mac. I freelance, so am often in different offices and can't use an email client. I find it messes up from time to time, but generally does me ok. It pisses me off to have to keep logging on every 10 minutes if I don't use it though, and I'd like to see some kind of notification, so I don't have to keep checking to see if I have messages. They could easily give the user an option of a pop-up window when mail arrives.
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  • Reply 7 of 10
    Compared to the other webmail services out there, it's great. And there are plenty of free email clients out there for pc's. If you use a particular computer for any significant amount of time, you should get one and use IMAP.

    For me, when I can't use my email client for whatever reason, webmail works very well.
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  • Reply 8 of 10

    Originally posted by jasonfj

    I freelance, so am often in different offices and can't use an email client.

    If you're technically competent you could probably set up Mozilla Thunderbird (Mac & PC, even the Linux version) on a USB drive and have easy access to your mail wherever you go.
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  • Reply 9 of 10
    banchobancho Posts: 1,517member
    I use it all the time and I love it. I don't get the errors you mentioned though. If you need the extra features then just do as another poster mentioned and connect Mozilla or your client of choice to it. I've done it on a couple machines and it works great.
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  • Reply 10 of 10
    Yup! I just installed thunderbird. It seems to work quite well. For some reason, when I tried outlook express, it never worked right with the .mac imap servers. I would read something, and then the next time I checked my mail, it would re-mark it as a new message.

    Thunderbird does not seem to do that, and to be honest, I really like it.

    Thanks for the advice guys!

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