Rumor: 500-600 MHz jump for next G5 Rev

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
MacRumors, in an article titled "Apple, PPC 980, and Upcoming G5s?" presents some pretty exciting speculation on the next Powermac Rev we may see at MWSF. Here is the link:


  • Reply 1 of 79
    Yes - it will be 2.5 min and 2.8 max.
  • Reply 2 of 79
    othelloothello Posts: 1,054member

    Originally posted by rbfoye

    Yes - it will be 2.5 min and 2.8 max.

    and you know this because...

  • Reply 3 of 79
  • Reply 4 of 79
    kroehlkroehl Posts: 164member

    Originally posted by Ernest eMac

    They'll announce a 2.8 and Powerdoc's dual 2 gigger will turn up the next day \

    Never mind. The new 2.8s won't be delivered until September 2004.....\
  • Reply 5 of 79
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member
    Well, based on Jobs statement (3 GHz in one year), a 2.5 GHz G5 in January is almost certain. For 2.8 GHz, I don't know, we will see... After June's surprise (2 GHz instead of 1.8 GHz), a January surprise would be equally welcome.
  • Reply 6 of 79
    Well.... Im a believer for one... This aint Moto.. This is IBM! Yeah baby!!
  • Reply 7 of 79
    Maybe I'll go for the dual 2 g now.

    My guess in Feb:

    2.2 single @$1999

    Dual 2.5 @ 2499

    Dual 2.8 @ 2999

    A dual 2 g now would be a kick ass machine for a good 3 years....?
  • Reply 8 of 79
    drboardrboar Posts: 477member
    500 MHz might sound like a lot for us macusers that were stuck at 500 Mhz for more than a year. It is "only" 25% boost for a 2 Ghz CPU like going from a 8500/200 to a 8500/250. The truth is that a 2.5 GHz is percived as just a little bit faster than a 2.0 GHz CPU.

    I pin more hope to getting to 90nm and the reduced power consumption/heat output. That will bring nice things to both blades and PBs imac and eMac. Time to kiss the G4 good night and turn it to "sleep mode"
  • Reply 9 of 79
    smirclesmircle Posts: 1,035member

    Originally posted by DrBoar

    500 MHz might sound like a lot for us macusers that were stuck at 500 Mhz for more than a year. It is "only" 25% boost for a 2 Ghz CPU like going from a 8500/200 to a 8500/250. The truth is that a 2.5 GHz is percived as just a little bit faster than a 2.0 GHz CPU.

    True, but 800Mhz would be a healthy 40%. Even if Apple can keep up with 25% increases every 6 month, they will be far ahead of the wintel competition soon.

    I have some doubt concerning the feasability such large increases over such small time intervals however...
  • Reply 10 of 79
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Naw...this is Apple we're dealing with. They rarely give you EVERYTHING you want. With this in mind here's roughly what you'll get.

    $1999= Single 2Ghz

    $2399= Dual 2.2Ghz

    $2999= Dual 2.6Ghz

    That's a 400Mhz jump on the lowend. Dual capability at the midlevel and a 400Mhz x 2 Delta between the midrange and highend units.

    This neatly allows Apple to follow up late summer with

    2.4 Single

    2.6 Dual

    3.0 Dual by summers end fulfilling their prophecy.

    Hitting 2.8 in January makes no sense.
  • Reply 11 of 79
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    I don't know guys. Most importantly prices have to inch lower. Maybe by January the low end goes down $200 and the mid range down $100.
  • Reply 12 of 79
    smalmsmalm Posts: 677member

    Originally posted by Outsider

    I don't know guys. Most importantly prices have to inch lower. Maybe by January the low end goes down $200 and the mid range down $100.

    Do you know something about the G5 sales we don't know?

    If the low end really goes up to 2GHz I see no problem for Apple selling them at the present price.

    But I wish Apple will listen to you not me
  • Reply 13 of 79
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member

    Originally posted by smalM

    Do you know something about the G5 sales we don't know?

    If the low end really goes up to 2GHz I see no problem for Apple selling them at the present price.

    But I wish Apple will listen to you not me

    Lower mac prices make it easier to justify to the pointy haired bosses to purchase more. The 2GHz dual, though, is a great deal.
  • Reply 14 of 79
    Oh mommy, please let there be a mid-range dual in the lineup come spring, when I will be buying.

    I doubt we'll see anything faster than 2.5GHz in the next rev, unless Apple plans to be well beyond 3GHz next summer. They can't jump from 2 to 2.8 and then go just to 3. If we go to 2.8 now the expectations will be sky-high for something in the 3.4GHz range next summer.
  • Reply 15 of 79

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    Oh mommy, please let there be a mid-range dual in the lineup come spring, when I will be buying.

    I doubt we'll see anything faster than 2.5GHz in the next rev, unless Apple plans to be well beyond 3GHz next summer. They can't jump from 2 to 2.8 and then go just to 3. If we go to 2.8 now the expectations will be sky-high for something in the 3.4GHz range next summer.

    This thought process (which is common within AI) doesn't match the real world. Apple will use the processors IBM produces - Apple doesn't hold back. As IBMs processes and manufacturing improve, the number of processors > 1.6, or > 1.8, or > 2.0, or > 2.2 etc keeps going up. Eventually, there are enough > the current lineup that upgrades can be sold. Apple (& IBM) does predict what they think will happen, and so does the engineering on the motherboard to enable the predicted timeframes. If IBM started giving Apple 4 GHz chips tomorrow, they probably couldn't be used, because the motherboard probably needs faster parts to keep pace - which means new engineering drawings, integration, testing, etc.
  • Reply 16 of 79

    Originally posted by hmurchison

    Naw...this is Apple we're dealing with. They rarely give you EVERYTHING you want. With this in mind here's roughly what you'll get.

    $1999= Single 2Ghz

    $2399= Dual 2.2Ghz

    $2999= Dual 2.6Ghz

    If that were to be marketed, not many would purchase the DP/2.6 when it's clear the DP/2.2 is the much better value (if the two models are configured as they are now: same HD, video upgrade is $50): $600 is a lot of money for 800mhz. When upgrading from a G4 (a DP/800 in my case), any dual G5 will feel fast, so I might as well choose the DP 2.2. I'm sure others would do the same.

    My layman's 2 bits:

    $1899 = 1x 2.2Ghz

    $2399 = 2x 2.0Ghz

    $2999 = 2x 2.6Ghz (or whatever's the fastest at the time)

    $500 gets me an extra chip; $600 on top of that gets me 1200Mhz. I'm assuming that all PowerMacs will have identical mobo specs, not like the 1.6, currently.
  • Reply 17 of 79
    ah, i cant wait.. the minute they announce revisions is when im ordering my top-end g5
  • Reply 18 of 79

    Originally posted by DrBoar

    It is "only" 25% boost for a 2 Ghz CPU like going from a 8500/200 to a 8500/250.

    Well, Intel went from 3.0GHz to 3.2GHz last upgrade. That is an increase of 6%. So that would be like that 8500/200 going up to a 8500/212. Hip, hip hurray. A 25% increase for Apple would be nice, if they can keep that up a few upgrades, we will be looking good.

    Overall in the last 2 years (when the 1GHz barrier was broken), Intel has gone from 1GHz to 3.2GHz a 220% increase. Apple has gone from 500MHz to 2GHz a 300% increase. This was over the same two year period, and is right after the G4 fiasco (the next update was to the Digital Audio 733 Macs). Not too shabby for Apple.
  • Reply 19 of 79
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member

    Originally posted by scottiB

    My layman's 2 bits:

    $1899 = 1x 2.2Ghz

    $2399 = 2x 2.0Ghz

    $2999 = 2x 2.6Ghz (or whatever's the fastest at the time)

    I'll be amazed if Apple offers a higher-line machine with a slower CPU clock rate, even if there are two. The last time they did that (with the dual 533 option) they caused a lot of confusion.

    I'd like to see 'em go all dual, personally. But I have no idea whether they will.
  • Reply 20 of 79
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member

    Originally posted by BrunoBruin

    Oh mommy, please let there be a mid-range dual in the lineup come spring, when I will be buying.

    I doubt we'll see anything faster than 2.5GHz in the next rev, unless Apple plans to be well beyond 3GHz next summer. They can't jump from 2 to 2.8 and then go just to 3. If we go to 2.8 now the expectations will be sky-high for something in the 3.4GHz range next summer.

    That's what I thought when I was adding this up. Maybe IBM is achieving more than they expected, or/and Apple is having these ramped up side by side with the Power5. If it's true it would be the first Apple MHz dream of mine to ever come true.

    That would be a happy day.
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