great Mouse

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
As part of my shopping yesterday I bought a logitech cordless optical mouse. Cordless may not be everyuone's cup of tea (as I discovered when my wife rejected it for her iBook), but I love it.... this mouse is acurate, fast, and free. I plugged it in and it works without any software in OS X - instantly recognised.

I did not like the thumb button position on the Mouseman version so i went for the older 2button/scroll wheel version (its smaller too). Just one question - it seems to be constantly on (or asleep at least with the light jsut dim and flashing).... does it ever really turn itself off and jsut go completely dark ?



PS, my wife wants the new white mouse that comes with the new iMac - the longer cord should be OK for the iBook. Anyone know when they will be selling it as the Pro mouse instead of the current black version ?

[ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Adam11 ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I've got the Mouseman Cordless Optical and I agree Logitech's Optical Wireless mice are great. To anser your question, I don't think the light goes off. Mine always flashes too when my iBook's asleep.
  • Reply 2 of 20
    adam11adam11 Posts: 163member
    thanks Eman... I was a bit worried.... today I will buy some lithium AA batteries so that they will last for months.

  • Reply 3 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Well you don't need to buy right away. The batteries in mine usually last close to 2 months.
  • Reply 4 of 20
    Well I dont know about on macs, but on my friends PC the movement is choppy as all hell, about 40htz. It hurts to watch (hehe, puns are the lowest form of humor).
  • Reply 5 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Mine's is usually pretty smooth.
  • Reply 6 of 20
    adam11adam11 Posts: 163member
    Same here - very smooth - but very quick and sensitive too.
  • Reply 7 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    I've also found it a lot better since I installed MouseZoon to speed it up a little.
  • Reply 8 of 20
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    I just got a Mouseman optical (wired one) I love it! It "flickers" because with movement more power is increased to the LED. When the mouse is idle, it glows less.
  • Reply 9 of 20
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    Lots of optical mice pull the old flickering LCD trick. Dunno why. The Apple Pro Mose flickers very slightly.
  • Reply 10 of 20
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    I like my Cordless Freedom Optical, but the keyboard is too mushy for me and the mouse doesn't really track very smoothly. Not at all good for Quake 3...I use my old keyboard with the new mouse for games.

    In fact, if anyone wants my KBD/mouse I sell for $90...
  • Reply 11 of 20
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    I like my Cordless Freedom Optical, but the keyboard is too mushy for me and the mouse doesn't really track very smoothly. Not at all good for Quake 3...I use my old keyboard with the new mouse for games.

    In fact, if anyone wants my KBD/mouse I sell for $90...
  • Reply 12 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by cdhostage:

    <strong>Lots of optical mice pull the old flickering LCD trick. Dunno why. The Apple Pro Mose flickers very slightly.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Really? I guess I'm used to my old Kensington mouse that didn't flicker when the computer was sleeping.
  • Reply 13 of 20
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    Adam, I have the same mouse you do. I love it, very smooth.

    I've been using mine since christmas day if that says anything about the batteries, i hope they last a good few months, after all all that is being powered is the little light and the transmitter.

    I will try to remember to post when they finally die.
  • Reply 14 of 20
    [quote]Originally posted by The Toolboi:

    <strong>Well I dont know about on macs, but on my friends PC the movement is choppy as all hell, about 40htz. It hurts to watch (hehe, puns are the lowest form of humor).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    your daft, Puns are teh greatest, I love puns, once you start punning you just can't stop, sure for the most part they aren't relaly FUNNY but for me the point of puns isn't to be funny, ya know?
  • Reply 15 of 20
    [quote]Originally posted by Adam11:

    <strong>I plugged it in and it works without any software in OS X - instantly recognised.

    [ 01-12-2002: Message edited by: Adam11 ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    does it realy work in OS X cuz on logictech's web site it says-

    "Mac OS 8.6 and above excluding OS 10"

    cuz i want to get the Cordless MouseMan Optical and i would want all the buttons to work. Also anybody get the MouseMan Dual Optical, does it work better?
  • Reply 16 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    All mice with 2 buttons and a scroll wheel work in OS X.
  • Reply 17 of 20
    cosmocosmo Posts: 662member
    [quote]Originally posted by Ti Fighter:


    does it realy work in OS X cuz on logictech's web site it says-

    "Mac OS 8.6 and above excluding OS 10"

    cuz i want to get the Cordless MouseMan Optical and i would want all the buttons to work. Also anybody get the MouseMan Dual Optical, does it work better?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I believe that when they say excluding 10 they are refering to the stupid webwheel (i think that is what its called) software that works in OS 9. Personally i find the mouse works far better in X than it does in 9. Everything in X is smooth, in 9 it is quite choppy. The webwheel software is uselss.

    One more thing to note is that the scroll wheel works on all cocoa apps, but only some carbon apps.
  • Reply 18 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cosmo:


    I believe that when they say excluding 10 they are refering to the stupid webwheel (i think that is what its called) software that works in OS 9. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, that and all the other features their software has.
  • Reply 19 of 20
    I was going to get the ContourDesign MiniPro mouse but opted in the end for Logitech's Mouseman Traveler. An excellent mouse and I can vouch for the fact that both buttons and the scroll wheel work in OS X without any extra software--although there are programs that the scroll wheel won't work in, and Omniweb seems to provide better support for the scroll wheel than Explorer.

    According to the Logitech website they are planning a release of mouse software for OS X this quarter (although it may initially just be a beta release).
  • Reply 20 of 20
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Retrograde:


    According to the Logitech website they are planning a release of mouse software for OS X this quarter (although it may initially just be a beta release).</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Who cares? Their software is horrible. I'll wait til USB Overdrive is for OS X.
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