Ok Panther sucks!

in macOS edited January 2014
I am getting pissed. I had my 15inch AlPB working great and I went and installed Panther. Now iSync syncs nothing, file vault will not work and overall I got nothing but a pretty package for my $200.00. I know I am going to get flamed by all the Apple fans that drink the green Koolaid but so far I am really disappointed. Sorry had to vent!


  • Reply 1 of 10

    Panther has many pros and cons about it, but you have to consider it is the first release. I'm sure there will be many updates to fix some issues, but it is still the best OS X availiable. If you have any problems lets hear them.

    Thank You.
  • Reply 2 of 10

    Originally posted by GreggWSmith

    I am getting pissed. I had my 15inch AlPB working great and I went and installed Panther. Now iSync syncs nothing, file vault will not work and overall I got nothing but a pretty package for my $200.00. I know I am going to get flamed by all the Apple fans that drink the green Koolaid but so far I am really disappointed. Sorry had to vent!

    ok.....GreggWSmith sucks!!!!

    sorry had to vent.

    personally I think Panther is the best system I have ever installed on any computer I have ever owned.

    No problems here AT ALL with panther.

    why do you have to start a thread with such a deragatory title? there are plenty of other panther threads here already, you could just vent your frustrations there.

    you really seem to have alot of trouble with your systems, maybe you just don't know WTF you are doing on any platform.

    Have a nice day
  • Reply 3 of 10
    Alright I am sure I over reacted but I can't do anything. I try to sync and my phone is not compatible so I try to sync my ipod and it does not load anything from Entourage into the ipod! The File Vault goes through the whole 90 minute process and then gives me an verification error and cancels File vault! Unforutnately if I can't encrypt I can't use the Apple for work. The PB goes on the shelf and I have to use my IBM! Damn!!!
  • Reply 4 of 10
    Nice personal attack magic asshole. I am sorry that I have issues with my systems. I am sorry that they can't handle my real world issues. Hate to say it but my piece of shit IBM has given me less trouble. Panther is really nice (looking) but that is about it.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    FileVault is buggy. You should be glad it's giving you an error, because if you had enabled it, your data might have been lost.

    If you want to encrypt your data, I'd suggest an encrypted disk image. Go into Disk Utility, click the "New Image" button, and make sure it has encryption enabled. Make it the proper size and it'll create a new disk image that requires a password to mount. You can drag whatever you want into the disk image and when you unmount it, it'll be protected. So don't just say you can't encrypt - if you need the capability, it's already there.

    As far as iSync not working, I don't know what to tell you. It sucks when stuff breaks after a release . But before you decide to ditch Panther because it "sucks," I'd suggest giving Apple a little time to iron out some of the kinks. It's brand new, after all, only one week old, so there will be bugs. If you want to avoid bugs, then Panther couldn't be any worse than Windows. If you really have serious problems, you could always revert back to Jaguar until 10.3.1 is released and fixes those problems. Until then I'd say just try making an encrypted disk image to solve your encryption problems.

    EDIT: tel spelign
  • Reply 6 of 10

    Originally posted by GreggWSmith

    Nice personal attack magic asshole. I am sorry that I have issues with my systems. I am sorry that they can't handle my real world issues. Hate to say it but my piece of shit IBM has given me less trouble. Panther is really nice (looking) but that is about it.

    I obviously didn't over react asshole.......
  • Reply 7 of 10
    Thanks Luca! I am just frustrated because I have spent a ton of money of Apple products over the past 4 or 5 months and I guess my expectations were too high. At this point the negative is gaining on the positive real fast.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    Magic is just pissed because my Seminoles just bitch slapped Notre Dame!
  • Reply 9 of 10

    Originally posted by GreggWSmith

    Magic is just pissed because my Seminoles just bitch slapped Notre Dame!

    whatever, just a little payback from last year I guess.

    ND sucks this year, and I can say that with confidence.

    Florida State sucks always. no matter their record.

    Have a nice day
  • Reply 10 of 10
    No attempt to foster discussion from original post? Check.

    Already better threads on the subject? Check?

    Flames/personal attacks? Check.

    Lock? Check.
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