FTP error

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in Genius Bar edited January 2014
I recently upgraded to panther and now I can't connect to the FTP server running on my computer. I know that the server is working because I can connect to it from other computers and I can connect to other FTP servers from panther, but when I try to connect to ftp://localhost/ I get this error.


Connecting to ftp://localhost/ ?

The Finder cannot complete the operation because some data in "ftp://localhost/"; could not be read or written.

(Error code -36).

No data should be wread or written because guest access is read-only.

Any help would be great.



  • Reply 1 of 1
    Having seen many FTP problems with various versions of the Mac OS X, I would recommend you get a good FTP client, like RBrowserLite, as it is more reliable for FTP connecting.
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