Palm T|T Sync Issue

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Every once and a while, my Palm T|T would, instead of syncing, restore everything to the Palm from backup, including apps I had deleted, and it would overwrite any new entries in my address book/calendar, as they were not in the computer's version of the DB's. This made my Palm unusable because I couldn't rely on it to keep any new entries after a sync. Clearly this is not just a Palm issue or just an iSync issue, because it does both apps and DB's.

I figured I'd take drastic measures a few weeks ago, so I backed everything up, uninstalled Palm Desktop (including all Application Support stuff), did a hard reset, reinstalled the iSync conduit, reinstalled all my apps. I basically started from scratch. It's worked fine for about two weeks now....until today.

When I went to sync tonight, it started installing everything from the computer, as described above. The only thing I can think of that would be different is that I was playing with an unstable beta on the palm (mmplayer), so I had to soft-reset it a few times, but the time and date are still correct, so I don't see how there could be any sync issues from this. The last working hotsync that I did was the one that installed mmplayer, but I can't see how that could have anything to do with it either.

This is rather frustrating, so if anyone has any thoughts/ideas, I'd love to hear them. And has anyone else had this type of thing happen?

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