WAN Connectivity with Apple apps

in macOS edited January 2014
I've found over the past several months that my Apple apps (Safari, Mail, .Mac, iSync) lose their connectivity to the Internet every few days (never the same period of time, and seldom longer than a week), which can only be resolved by rebooting the Mac. This issue apparently continues in Panther, even though I did an Archive and Install to assure a clean System. When the Mac apps lose Internet connectivity (local LAN connectivity remains just fine), Microsoft's Internet Explorer continues to access the Internet correctly, so I know it's not a network configuration issue.

Has anyone here experienced this problem? It's kind of annoying to have to reboot every few days to regain Internet connectivity, especially when my Microsoft apps continue to connect to the Internet properly.

Just to affirm this isn't a lone incident, I have the same situation continuing with another Mac on the LAN, but it's still running 10.2.8. I've tried a Repair Permissions tonight to see if this helps, but I'm not hopeful. Both Macs are running DHCP and get their IPs from a SpeedStream 5660 DSL Router.
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