Why I'm waiting until after Jan 8th to buy a DVD player

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
The way I see it there are three possibilities.

1. Apple releases a digital hub that plays DVDs, serves Mp3s and files, records TV, and maybe plays games.

2. Apple doesn't release digital hub, but releases significantly faster G4s which makes old, used G4s cheap (say ~400). Then I could buy a used G4, put it in my home theater system to play DVDs, mp3s, and serve files on home network.

3. Apple releases bubkiss, except for an LCD iMac which I wouldn't buy unless it can play DVD, do TV, and is cheap.

Basically, I'm in the unification camp and unless Apple releases a product that better unites my media and makes my life easier I'm not biting. I want faster processors just so I don't get embarassed trying to convert PC friends, but features are the most important.


  • Reply 1 of 12
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    I feel the same way, sort of.

    Why didn't Apple make the Cube, a digital hub device with airport base-station installed and the ability to connect ot TV's and stereo's and all the new devices they have planned.

    Then the option for it being a "computer" with USB for keyboard and apple display ports would be the option!
  • Reply 2 of 12
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,443member
    The problem is cost.

    Getting a DVD that is compatible with MP3's is easy. Add a hard drive like the Yamaha CDRW(Home use) would allow for networking but Networking is the problem. Go Ethernet and you have to make sure your users have Cat5 wired everywhere...go wireless and the cost is jacked up significantly...go HomePNA and now you have to have expensive HPNA adapters for everything. It's the Networking cost that keeps these convergence products at a minimum IMO.
  • Reply 3 of 12
    really wealthy people would love it
  • Reply 4 of 12
    adam11adam11 Posts: 163member
    To give you an idea about price, Panasonic has a set top DVD recorder which has a 40g HD, records DVD-ram, DVD-r, has progressive out, firewire and tunes TV/Satellite etc......the DMR-HS1

    english: <a href="http://www.matsushita.co.jp/corp/news/official.data/data.dir/en010926-3/en010926-3.html"; target="_blank">http://www.matsushita.co.jp/corp/news/official.data/data.dir/en010926-3/en010926-3.html</a>;

    Japanese (photo too) : <a href="http://prodb.matsushita.co.jp/products/t/DMR/DMR-HS1_t.html"; target="_blank">http://prodb.matsushita.co.jp/products/t/DMR/DMR-HS1_t.html</a>;

    It costs about USD1000 here in Tokyo (about Yen140000 street). I cant see why these features couldnt be in a Hub device for about the same (or a bit more with other features like wireless hookup through airport etc)


  • Reply 5 of 12
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    I don't see Apple doing something like this for a year or so. Besides unless it lets me watch DirectTV on my computer, I wouldn't get it.
  • Reply 6 of 12
    neomacneomac Posts: 145member
    Hey! I thought Nordstrodamus was supposed to be able to tell the future!


  • Reply 7 of 12
    [quote] Why didn't Apple make the Cube, a digital hub device <hr></blockquote>

    Very insightful. Perhaps the new iMacs could have built-in airport for connecting to a home theatre.

  • Reply 8 of 12
    [quote]Originally posted by NeoMac:

    <strong>Hey! I thought Nordstrodamus was supposed to be able to tell the future!



    No that's Nostradamus

    but on the bright side, all predictions from Nordstro(m)damus come with a lifetime guarantee.

  • Reply 9 of 12
    [quote]Originally posted by Adam11:

    <strong>To give you an idea about price, Panasonic has a set top DVD recorder which has a 40g HD, records DVD-ram, DVD-r, has progressive out, firewire and tunes TV/Satellite etc......the DMR-HS1

    It costs about USD1000 here in Tokyo (about Yen140000 street). I cant see why these features couldnt be in a Hub device for about the same (or a bit more with other features like wireless hookup through airport etc)</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And that's with DVD-RAM! I see no reason why Apple couldn't do this cheaply, maybe even have different configs (say CD-RW, DVD, combo, & superdrive). In a low res format you might be able to squeeze an hour onto a CD-RW. Someone who already has a mac with a superdrive might just go with the DVD option and airport or ethernet files over for burning.

    But the main reason i think this is totally doable is because people are already putting together units like this with cheap celery boxes and ATI AIW cards. Apple could rule supreme by simply capitalizing on their easy user interface skills.

    BTW, my predictions are only good to the end of the year or maybe Jan 7th.
  • Reply 10 of 12
    My digital hub:

    My cube, someday after its outlived its usefulness as my main machine, sitting on a bookcase, with a wireless keyboard and mouse, hooked into the aux inputs of my home theater. Fuck WebTV.
  • Reply 11 of 12
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Well, Apple in Holland actually told the news media that a revolutionary device would be announced at MWSF. It could be something like this. We will know before long. (Interesting forum. Glad I found it.)
  • Reply 12 of 12
    a/uxa/ux Posts: 38member
    [quote]Originally posted by Nordstrodamus:

    <strong>The way I see it there are three possibilities.

    1. Apple releases a digital hub that plays DVDs, serves Mp3s and files, records TV, and maybe plays games.

    . . .


    I'm really diggin' this thought. Make it play VCDs, my iMovies and DirecTV/Digital Cable and we have a winner. You could give it an ethernet port to allow you to pull and play your iTunes playlists off of the iMac in the den. Add an Airport card as an option for $99 more and he goes wireless on the network.

    Call him "iCenter" 'cause he does everything. Schaweet! Order me up one of those fellas!
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