Why is my wife's display so F'd up?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
My wife has a G3 900 MHz iBook that we just upgraded with Panther. Well all of the sudden the display reverts to 800X600 and color in the thousands. I switch it back to 1024X768 and put the colors back to millions and it is still weird looking? I have restarted it and nothing. It won't detect displays.


  • Reply 1 of 3
    huh try taking it too the apple store that is wierd. try dumping the preferences? did you clean install? if not I'd backup and do a clean install after wiping the drive.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    sorry to hear about your iBook but i am just amazed that every single Mac that you have bought has had some kind of problem... the G5... the PowerBooks, the iBook, the iMac, eMac, and whatever else you bought.. that is kind of weird... what am i saying kind of... it is really weird. I have never has a problem with any of my Macs, and same to all my friends that use them. Maybe you have bad luck?
  • Reply 3 of 3
    I think Macusers is right. You do have bad luck. The only problem that I have ever had with a Mac was an old Performa with a bad logic board that was replaced under warranty. Due to your bad luck you should send all of your Macs to me, I'll make all your bad luck go away. I'll even take care of shipping
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